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Nikon Latest Patents [Exclusive]

TNC Exclusive – Nikon Latest Patents – Take a look at the list of most popular patents exclusively available at .

1. Nikon Patent DSLR with Hybrid Sensor

Nikon finally working on DSLRs with Hybrid Sensors. We are the first website world who spotted Nikon DSLR with a Hybrid Sensor. In the patent (published on July 2018) you can see Nikon DSLR camera with a Hybrid AF Sensor which uses both Phase and Contrast based technology to acquire AF.

2. Nikon Biometric Sensors in Lenses and Camera

Next generation Nikon Mirrorless Lenses will have Biometric Sensors in lenses and cameras. In near future camera and lenses will have more security feature and will grab photographers details including heartbeat rate and mood in image exif information.

Nikon Touch and Pressure Sensor Patent

3. DSLR Without Phase AF Module

Nikon Patent – Hybrid DSLR without Phase AF Sensor. Nikon working on DSLR camera without AF sensor. And it’s only possible when they add Hybrid Sensors inside DSLRs. More details about the patent here.

4. Nikon Advance Display unit for Mirrorless and Display

Nikon Patent – Working on More Advance Display Units For DSLR and Mirrorless Camera

5. Heat Sink Unit for DSLRs and Mirrorless

Nikon Patent – Sensor Heat Management inside DSLRs and Mirrorless. It’s also important to have a better heat management system inside DSLR and Mirrorless cameras to due to advancement in Video technology. See more

6.  Nikon Stacked CMOS sensor

Nikon Stacked CMOS sensor patent by Nikon, the patent was published on April 2018 and in general patent take 1 to 2 year to become official. So, let’s hope we will see it Nikon flagship camera.

Nikon Multilayer Sensor Patent


Instax Mini LiPlay Images Leaked

So, finally we have the leaked images of the instaLi Play. According to the intial set of information we have the camera will be the smallest INSTAX camera on the market.

The camera saves your capture in internal memory or you can also save in micro SD card. Later on you can select your best pics and print-out ur fav ones. You can also use this camera as portable printer, since it gives you the option to print your pictures from Micro-SD card.

The camera said to arrive on June 12, 2019.

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Leica Q2 at DXO Mark Lab

Leica Q2 camera finally visited DXO Mark Lab. The Leica Q2 is fullframe camera compact with Summilux 28mm f/1.7 ASPH Lens priced at $4995.
Leica Q2 [B&H Store] camera scored 96 points in the DXO Mark Lab. BTW, Sony RX1R II [B&H Store] scored 97 point during the test and placed just above the Q2 camera.

Sony RX1R II cost $1600 less than the Leica Q2 camera and features BSI CMOS sensor instead of FI as we have in Leica.
Due to the use of BSI tech you are getting excellent low-light capability with the Sony RX1R despite of having a F2 lens compared to F1.7 of Leica Q2.

also see – Leica M11 Coming on 2020

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Fuji Registered X-Pro 3 [FF190002]

Fujifilm registered a new camera in wireless certification agency and the code name of the camera is FF190002.
Most probably the camera is Fuji X-Pro 3. The new model has support for Bluetooth 4.2, just like the Fuji X-T30 [ B&H Store | Amazon USA | Amazon UK] (FF180003) and Fuji X-T30 (FF180006).

According to latest rumors we are getting about the Fuji X-Pro 3 camera is rumored to arrive on October 2019. We have also published the possible specification of the upcoming X-Pro 3 camera take a look here.

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Nikon Working on 8K Mirrorless Camera - Nikon Z9 ?

According to latest rumor Nikon already have working prototypes 0f 8K capable fullframe Mirrorless camera. At Apple’s WWDC 2019 event we have seen Canon working 8K cinema camera. Now in the same event, to demonstrate the video editing capabilities of new new Mac Pro. Apple team used a 8K movie created by Ami Vitale. We all know that Ami Vitale is a National Geographic photographer and also a brand ambassador for Nikon.

The video shown was described as 8K ProRes raw footage originating from a documentary shot in Kenya, which was said to have been captured and edited in HDR. Every single frame of 8K camera was of 33 MP. It clearly indicates that upcoming High-End Nikon Mirrorless camera Nikon Z9 may carry a 36MP FF CMOS sensor and a option to record 8K videos.

Update – The Video was Shot by RED Monstro not Nikon Z9

Update by one of Readers Bob

Guys, most of that Africa footage was shot by my buddy Mark Toia on an 8K RED. It was indeed transcoded from R3D files to ProRes because the new system isn’t optimized to decode native Red files…. yet!

EOSHD website confirms this information

– the documentary was shot on RED Monstro in 8K by Kiwi cinematographer Mark Toia of ZOOM Film and Television.

Thanks to our subscribers for letting is know

Also see – Nikon Patent – Hybrid DSLR without Phase AF Sensor

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Canon 8K Camera Spotted at WWDC 2019 Event

Canon 8K camera development announcement was done by Canon back on September 2015. 4 years almost passed and still we don’t have the official announcement yet. As usual Canon always do a very extensive testing of their products before they make it official.

Now we have spotted again the Canon 8K cinema camera, in an apple WWDC event (Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference) to introduce the new MacPro, Pro Display XDR and Pro Stand. The camera name most ptobably is Cinema EOS C300 Mark III.

To demonstrate the video editing capability of new MacPro Camera Apple was using the same unreleased Canon 8K camera.  Which is still under development cycle. The camera was used to capture 4:4:4 ProRes 8K RAW.



Sony Upcoming 200-400mm Fullframe Mirrorless Lens Image Leaked

Sony 200-500mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS FE lens image leaked before its official announcement. Based on the set of latest rumors we are getting the lens is rumored to arrive on before June 7. So, we will having a Sony lens announcement very soon.

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