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Firmware Update

Canon Next Fullframe Mirrorless Camera Doesn't Have Multi-Function Bar

Nomen Nescio is out from jungle to share some very exclusive information with us, according to him the early prototypes of Canon next entry level Fullframe Mirrorless camera doesn’t have Multi-Function Bar.

Canon K433 is Next Mirrorless Camera

According to recent rumors from Japanese trusted rumor mills Canon registered a new Fullframe Mirrorless camera (model code K433). The camera was having a 26 Megapixel Fullframe DPAF sensor at the time of registration. So, it’s a very clear indication that next generation of Canon Fullframe entry level Mirrorless camera will have a Redesigned 26MP Sensor of the Canon 6D mark II camera.

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Canon High-end Mirrorless Models to have Built-in Image Stabilization and more...

Canon’s head of ICB product development team interview published at a Japanese website. It do reveled a lot of thing that, including that Canon may implement Butil-in image stabilization system in future cameras. Click here to read out the major translated parts of the interview.

(Translated) Major Points of Canon ICB product development team interview

  • (Replying to the question of “Why didn’t you disclose the flange back distance at the announcement?”) Although the flange back distance is 20mm, the more important number is the back focus distance, i.e. the distance between the last element and the sensor. This will change from lens to lens.
  • Though based on an existing sensor, this is a newly developed sensor, with new DPAF mechanism and microlenses. You should see improved high ISO performance over 5D4.
  • EOS R should give better image quality than 5D4 thanks to DIGIC 8 allowing in-body DLO and better noise reduction resulting in 1/3 stop higher maximum ISO.
  • The system can be operated without the multi-function bar or the control ring, so some future R models may not have them. EF lenses with control rings are unlikely because the ring depends on new electrical contacts introduced by the RF mount.
  • The additional freedom in lens design can be used to make lenses smaller, or improve image quality, meaning that the F2.8 zooms announced as pipelines won’t necessarily end up being smaller.
  • Canon had a policy against IBIS on DSLRs, but this is not the case for MILCs. Lack of IBIS on EOS R was a result of compromises over body size, cost and heat dissipation for this particular model; they do think it has merits, and will consider it for future models depending on the nature of the camera body.
  • EOS R is primarily targeting mid-level DSLR users looking to move upmarkeg. They concede that the R system may be too high priced for existing M users. (There is no discussion about R/M mount compatibility, unfortunately.)
  • This is a middle-segment camera, a 5D class body, and they do expect to release higher- and lower- end bodies. In particular they expect to see demand for high pixel count bodies to counter the competition.
  • RF mount cinema EOS is a possibility. Not sure if anyone except high-end pros need 8K.

So, that’s was the major points of the interview. As you can see Canon Mirrorless Team do have the capability to introduce built-in image stabilization system, but due to Cost nd body size issue they have decided not to add it on the recently announced mid-range Canon EOS R Mirrorless camera.

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Canon DSC126721 and other Registered Products List Updates - Aug 2018

Canon Mirrorless image

We have now the latest list of Canon upcoming products, based on the details available to us the Canon camera model code ready for announcement is DSC 126721. Before we begin take a look at the details

Camera Model DS 126721

  • Interchangeable lens camera
  • made in Japan
  • SKU: 3075C003AA, 3075C013AA, 3075C023AA
  • Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed
  • Battery: LP-E6 / LP-E6N (or equivalent)
  • The same radio parts as KissM

As we have told you earlier also, that this model have three different SKU units (SKU: 3075C003AA, 3075C013AA, 3075C023AA). And the same model code uses the LP-E6 / LP-E6N (or equivalent) battery.

In general the DSLRs model codes starts with DSC and Mirrorless and compacts Model code starts with PC (PC 2357)

So, with these set of specific information we have related to the model code DSC 126721 it only indicate one thing that its DSLR, probably Canon 90D.

Now one more camera is coming and its model code is PC2357, In general PC model code is used for Mirrorless and compacts. The PC 2357 camera is also using the LP-E6N, clearly indicated it’s a high-end compact or a high-end Mirrorless [either FF or APS-C]

Model code PC 2357

  • Digital camera
  • Wi-Fi · Bluetooth installed
  • Battery: LP-E6 / LP-E6N (or equivalent)
  • The same radio parts as KissM

But at the end it all depend upon Canon, they can change the trend or even they Can use a DSC model code for a Mirrorless.

List of Canon Lenses expected to arrive in near future

A total of 5 + 3 Lenses in announcement pipeline, its a massive announcement for sure. Probably they are gearing up for Mirrorless announcement

  • SKU: 2439C005AA, 2959C005AA, 2963C005AA, 2972C005AA, 3045C005AA [ Made in Japan]
  • SKU: 2965C005AA, 2973C005AA, 3329C005AA [ Taiwan or Japan]

Latest Rumors says so — Canon Mirrorless Announcement on Sep 4/5 [Rumor]

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List of Canon, Nikon and Sony Cameras Coming on Photokina 2018

Back on November 2017 we have written a post that include the list of possible cameras which are expected to announce on the year of 2018.  In that list we have included the Nikon D760, Nikon D650, Nikon p1000, Nikon D3500 and finally the Nikon full frame mirrorless camera.

Now this year, at least we have seen the announcement of the Nikon p1000 camera with massive 125 x optical zoom lens which we were expecting from an year back. but why only Nikon P1000 and not any DSLR this year from Nikon ?

1. Nikon upcoming camera in Photokina 2018

As we all know that Canon said that there will going to be some cannibalization in the DSLR cameras. But, Nikon Literally followed that, Nikon did a cannibalization and they restricted their DSLR announcement in the year of 2018. And we haven’t seen any DSLR announcement this year Despite of the Nikon entry level full frame DSLR camera Nikon D650 announcement was overdue.

2. Nikon Mirrorless Coming on 23rd Aug

Nikon full frame mirrorless camera: According to the official information we have from Nikon, they will announce their full frame mirrorless system cameras just prior to the photokina event, on Aug 23 and the shipping of the camera will begin from mid October.

Take a look at the set of a specification of the upcoming Nikon full frame mirrorless camera

  • Over 400 auto-focus in points however the exact number is not known yet.
  • 2 full frame mirrorless camera coming, one with 24mp and one with 45 MP
  • 5-axis in body image stabilization
  • 9 frames per second continuous shooting speed
  • New mirrorless mount (other than FX and DX)
  • The new mirrorless will going to allow F0.95 lenses.
  • Electronic viewfinder with 3.6 megapixel resolution.
  • 4K video capture
  • 8k is also listed in the video specification, it would be same as we have seen inside the Nikon D850 time lapse 8k mode
  • The camera will have a very comfortable grip designed, by keeping DSLR users in mind.
  • 2 LCD screen 1 on the back and one on the top

Pricing information of Nikon full frame mirrorless system camera

  • Nikon 45MP full frame mirrorless camera: $4,000/€4,000 in a kit with the 24-70mm lens
  • Nikon 24MP full frame mirrorless camera: under $3,000/€3,000 (also including a lens)

And here is the First and second teaser video, hopefully we are getting the third teaser video in next 2 to 3 days

3. Any more Announcement from Nikon ?

This year we are not expecting any Big announcement from Nikon other than Nikon Fullrame Mirrorless camera, But yes in the beginning of 2019 we can expect that Nikon will going to announce the update of Nikon full frame entry level DSLR camera.
And we have also told you, that Nikon next APS-C dslrs including for Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5700 will going to carry 4K mode.

4. Sony Cameras Coming on Photokina 2018

Sony cameras coming on photokina 2018, well we have written article back on January 2018. at that time we have said that Sony may Announce the Sony A7III, Sony RX100 VI, Sony A7 S III and possibly a surprise announcement during photokina event. But now the condition have changed and Sony isn’t showing aggressiveness this year,  technically the announcement of this year Sony products is now completed since they don’t registered any new product from past three months in Indonesian Wireless agency.

And this year we have seen the announcement of Sony A7 III camera Sony RX100 6 camera and also Sony RX100 VA camera.
But, let’s talk about some possibilities and rumors and take it with grain of salt.

5. Sony A7S III Coming on September 2018 ?

The announcement of Sony A7 SIII camera is still overdue and we are expecting its announcement on or before the photokina 2018 event with Stacked CMOS sensor and brand new image processor to compete against the Panasonic GH 5S and the GH5 alone (in-terms of video core specs).

6. Sony A6700 this year ?

And one more announcement we are waiting for is of the Sony APS-C flagship mirrorless camera the Sony A6700. But it announcement may be shifted to Q1 of 2019.

Sony A6700 Rumored Specification

1. AF is vastly improved with Eye tracking, you can call the cam a mini A9

2. Better low light performance, standard ISO do touch the 51200 mark

3. New 4K HDR, 4K 60p is for limited time in test versions

4. Compatible with UHS II

5. 1/8000 shutter, faster Continuous Shooting

6. 2x Improved Battery Life

7. Canon Cameras Coming in 2018

In the beginning of the Year Canon said that there will going to be some cannibalization with DSLR to promote the mirrorless cameras, and we have seen also. Canon announced the Canon EOS m50 camera with the latest digic8 image processor, with 4K video, new file formats and lot of improved functionality. compared to the existing Canon DSLR even of higher range. This year we haven’t seen any DSLR announcement from Canon.

8. Next Canon Fullframe Mirroless

We all are expecting Canon Mirrorless camera this September, Canon also registered two FF Mirrorless models K424 and K433 for wireless certificates. According to the Japanese sources, the model number K424 will arrive early than the other models, the K424 is actually a full frame mirrorless camera registered by Canon, for wireless certificate. After k424 we have the K433 camera. Canon has register a lot of camera [check the list here] in the Indonesian wireless agency and you can check the details of the registered model here

Cameras already entered into production pipeline

9. DS126721 is Canon 90D

Canon DS126721 is now coming to announcement pipeline, – Canon registered three different SKU units of Canon DS126721 camera and the camera uses LP-E6N batteries, same is being used by Canon pro-DSLRs camera including 80D, 7D II and 6D Mk II. We are expecting the DS126721 DSLR is actually Canon 90D, which is coming with two different kit lens option and a body only option. See more – Canon 90D Upcoming Kits Details Leaked

The announcement timeline of the camera isn’t so clear, but we are expecting announcement after Photokina 2018 event, Nov / Dec of 2018.

We will update you sure if we get any new details


10. Fuji X-T3 Coming on Photokina

Fuji X-T3 camera coming on Photokina 2018, the camera is said to feature a newly developed 26MP X-Trans CMOS sensor and while having the 26MP full resolution the camera can shoot 20FPS with full time AF support, really amazing if true. Take a look at the rumored specification of the camera

Fuji X-T3 Rumored Specification

  • Upcoming camera is set to feature 26 megapixels newly developed X Trance sensor
  • 20 frames per second continuous shooting speed with continuous autofocus support.
  • No in camera image stabilization
  • The display screen will going to have touch functionality
  • Improve battery performance
  • the camera will going to be manufactured in China

The only issue user is complaing about the absence of built-in Image stabilization, Since the Fuji X-T2 model was having built-in IS. Many users are saying they will go with other option like X-H1 ot they will wait fir Fuji X-Pro3 camera with built-in IS.

11. Panasonic LX200

Yes, we are adding a additional camera here. Based on latest rumors we are getting Panasonic will announce LX200 camera during Photokina event. We are expecting 4K at 60p and fast DFD AF system, a perfect camera Vloggers and Still shooters.

We will update the list is we get any new details. Thanks for being with us.

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Canon Fullframe Mirrorless Rumors Update Aug 2018

Canon Mirrorless Camera

According to latest rumors coming from trusted rumor mills, Canon may announce a Mirrorless camera with native EF Mount. As we all know that Canon has registered two different Fullframe mirrorless camera in past, so according to the current speculations one of the two registered Fullframe Mirrorless camera may have a native EF mount to accept Canon existing DSLR lenses.

Rumor mill also predicts that we may see a EOS M style Fullframe Mirrorless camera and a DSLR styles Fullframe Mirrorless camera without Mirror.
End of Rumor

Now the big issue is, we are getting close to September 2018 without having any information coming from trusted sources related to upcoming fullframe Mirrorless system cameras. So just hope for the best, And be sure that we will post update soon as we get any.

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Canon Announcement on Mid September [Rumor]

According to latest rumors coming from rumor mills Canon next announcement is scheduled on Mid Sep, possibly on Sep 13, 14 2018. Well we all know that Nikon Fullframe announcement date is Aug 23, 2018.  And if you look at past, few months from now.We were getting constant rumors that Canon Fullframe Mirrorless System is coming on September 2018. So, just hope it’s true and we will going to see New Fullframe Mirrorless system from Canon along side with Nikon.

Canon APS-C Flagship Mirrorless

Not only Canon Fullframe DSLRs but Canon EOS M5 Mark II was also expected to arrive at the end of 2018 with updated core specs,  the EOS M5 Mark II is said to have same sensor as of the Canon EOS M50 camera but it will have DPAF support while recording 4K video as well as there will be no super crop as we are having in EOS M50. On still side we will see a stop more ISO range which some minor enhancement in core specs of the camera. But again we are not getting the exact time frame for the announcement of Canon’s next flaghsip APS-C Mirrorless camera.

Canon Fullframe Mirrorless

Ok let’s talk about the confirmed set of information we have about the upcoming Canon Fullframe Mirrorless camera. First of all we do know that Canon Registered to fullframe Mirrorless camera in Indonesian wireless agency approx 6 months ago. So, that confirms us that not one, but two Canon fullframe mirrorless camera is expected to arrive in near future.

On more thing we are confirmed about the sensor resolution, one of the test bodies at Indonesian wireless agency was carrying a 30 Megapixel fullframe sensor. However, we don know at the moment it’s a same sensor of we have already seen in Canon 5D Mark IV camera or its a new sensor.

So, that was the info we are having about the Canon Mirrorless system cameras. We have some contradictions also, there is also slight possibility we may see some delay in the announcement of FF Mirrorless system cameras.

But, above all if a Major Canon announcement is expected to be done on Sep 14 / 13 then we should get bunch of leaked images and specs of the upcoming products in next few days.

Stay with us and Stay Updated.

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Canon Mirrorless Camera Coming on Photokina 2018

We have received a lot of hints in the past, that Canon is going to announce its Mirrorless system camera in Photokina Event  or at least we will see a development announcement from Canon related to FF Mirrorless camera.  Let’s take a look at  detailed set of information we have related to Canon FF Mirrorless camera

1. Canon Fullframe Mirrorless Announcement Timeline

  • From the information we are getting we are  getting Canon will have a big announcement this year on or before Photokina and the shipment of the camera will start from November.
  • One More Mirrorless system camera from Canon is said to arrive in Q2/Q3 of next year. with lower end specs and affordable price tag to reach out more consumers

Ok that was announcement time information. Let’s talk about the rumors coming from different rumor mills.

We have received confirmed set of information that Nikon is set to announce its Mirrorless camera this month, In past we have seen these two Camera giants announces their flagship products almost same timeline. Let’s see what happens next.

2. What Sony Said about Canikon Mirrorless systems in Past

This is just my personal opinion, but I think that maybe by next year’s CP+ ( starts from Feb 28, 2019) you’ll see full-frame mirrorless cameras from Canon and Nikon. I think [by then] they will be participating in this market.

3. Take a view on announcement pipeline

4. It’ not about sources, the data was arrived from Registration agency

One of the Mirrorless camera arrived at wireless certification agency was having a 30MP Fullframe sensor (check details here). So, we have a big chance to have a 30MP model in near future.

5. Let’s break down information

  1. One camera with 30 MP sensor and other with 24 MP sensor
  2. Both camera shoot 4K and have best video features [as usual]
  3. Only Two FF camera registered and 1 APS-C, 90% possibility its a successor of EOS M5 camera, name EOS M5 Mark II.

Just before the announcement of any camera in general before a month we get images and specs. But, after July, literally we have only 1 month left for Photokina and that’s really scary when your information pipelines remains dry.

That’s why probably veteran rumor mills are predicting in dealy of announcement dates.

6. Let’s not forget

Canon 5DS Mark II in First Half of 2019

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