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Canon 5D Mark IV at Photography Show in Birmingham ?

Canon-5d mark iv coming

Today we have received a email form Photografix editor, a german magazine about new cameras and photography and according to them,

We got an interesting info from an anonymous source and maybe that’s also interesting for your readers. Yes, it’s an anonymous source, so we need the usual grain of salt… but I think there is a possibility that the info could be true. Here is the link to our article:The source told us that Canon will announce the 5D Mark IV at The Photography Show in Birmingham (March 19th – 22nd). I see four reasons why this could be true:

  1. Matches with old rumors that the Mark IV presentation will be before the NAB in April.
  2. 5D Mark III was shown first at the Photography Show back in 2012.
  3. 5D Mark III production already ended? And Canon normally needs a few weeks/months until a new camera is available.
  4. There will definately be a Canon event in the next days because of the EOS 1300D.

Before getting the email many of users and visitors asked the same question that Canon may announce the 5D Mark IV camera at The Photography Show in Birmingham ?.

As I have said several time to my readers and again repeating the same thing here, I don’t think so that Canon will going to announce Canon 5D Mark IV in a UK based event. Canon will select a global platform like NAB show to announce such a flagship product.

After adding Canon Dual-pixel CMOS AF sensor inside Canon 1DX Mark II we are sure that Canon will use same tech inside the Canon 5D Mark IV camera, we have no confirmation about the specification of the camera but few days ago we have received anonymous email and according to the tipster the upcoming Canon 5D mk IV will carry 4K video along with s log gamma support, before that Canon used S log gamma inside Canon EOS C300 and 4K compact camera XC10.

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We will update you soon as we get any new information

First Leaked Images of Canon 1300D Camera

Canon-1300D-image-1After the leaked specification finally we got the leaked images of the upcoming camera, the camera design look same as of its predecessor.

Canon-1300D-back-1the back of the camera also remains same, the Canon 1300D will be called Kiss X80 in japan.

Top-image-of-Canon-1300DThe announcement is expected anytime soon so stay with us and we will sure update you soon.

Like Canon 1300D at facebook page

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Canon Smartlenses Coming

Lens camera image

According to latest rumors Canon is working to announce a new smart-lens camera just like Sony QX 1 and QX100. In the patent image you can see the lens camera is attached with smartphone and connected via Wireless connectivity.

Take a look at the details below translated by google.

  • Patent Publication No. 2016-10133
    • Published 2016.1.18
    • Filing date 2014.6.26
  • Canon patent
    • The first device having a camera function (101 smartphone of)
    • The second device having a camera function (102 lens style camera)
    • The second unit (102 lens style camera) is provided with a retractable mechanism
    • Equipped with a marker that represents the collapsed position
    • The first device (101 Smartphone of) is to shoot so as to include a marker
    • Depending on the tip position of the collapsed, to get the mounting position to the first device of the second unit (102 lens-style camera) (101 smartphone of)

stay with us we will update you soon.

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Canon Cinema Lens Patent - 70-200mm F2.8 (Super35mm)

Canon CN-E 70-200mm lens patentLatest patent surfaced over the web that shows Canon Cinema Lens – 70-200mm F2.8, In genral a lens patent takes at-least 2 to 3 years of time to come into existence as a real product.

Take a look at the lens patent details translated by google

  • Patent Publication No. 2015-230449
    • Published 2015.12.21
    • Filing date 2014.6.6
  • Example 1
    • Zoom ratio 2.86
    • Focal length 70.00 118.30 200.00
    • F-number 2.80 2.80 2.80
    • Half angle (in degrees) 12.52 7.49 4.45
    • Image height 15.55 15.55 15.55
    • Overall length of the lens 277.01 277.01 277.01
    • BF 44.72 44.72 44.72

See more Canon patents

Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L II Coming Soon


According to latest rumors Canon 16-35mm F2.8L II lens is already on the hand of selected test photographers for testing purpose. The lens is rumored to arrive with Canon’s new fullframe DSLR, possibly Canon 5D Mark IV.

The Canon is rumored to announce Canon 1DX Mark II and Canon 5D Mark IV in 2016.

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source – canonrumor

Canon Working on 200-600mm Megazoom Lens

Canon-megazoom-lens-patent-Latest patent surfaced over the web of Canon 200-600mm Fullframe lens. It clearly shows us that Canon is working on a Super telephoto zoom lens that will cover a very extensive range of 2000-600mm range.

Patent Publication No. 2015-212724

  • Published 2015.11.26
  • Filing date 2014.5.1

Example 1

  • Zoom ratio 3.00
  • Focal length 200.00 340.00 600.00
  • F-number 4.60 4.60 5.20
  • Angle of view 6.18 3.64 2.07
  • Image height 21.65 21.65 21.65
  • Overall length of the lens 355.16 355.16 355.16
  • BF 65.16 65.16 65.16

Click here to see more Canon lens patent.

A glimpse into the future - Canon R&D Lab Report

Take a look of our upcoming products report generated by multiple patents filed by Canon from past 4 to 5 years. we are continuously doing a lot of effort to bring latest and true information in-front of you.

Yes, Canon is working on a fullframe mirrorless camera and we will soon see more evidence as the announcement time of the camera approaches…

canon-FF-m-halfYes, Canon is Working on Fullframe Mirrorless System Camera.

Canon EF 50 F1.2 lens Patent for Canon Full-Frame Mirrorless Camera According to the latest patent surfaced over the web, the 50mm F1.2 Lens is coming for a full-frame mirrorless camera, just few dyes ago we have seen lens patent made for Canon 4/3 mirrorless camera, Sure we will see a whole new range of mirrorless camera from Canon in 2016.


5 Layer sensor for APS-C and Full-frame DSLRS
Canon Patent Five Layer Sensor

A Canon 5 layer sensor patent surfaced over the web (filed on 2012.11.22) , the sensor features two additional layer (UV and IR), the UV and IR layer will remove skin spots to capture bright and clear skin tone.

Canon New Multilayer Sensor Patent

Also see  the Canon Patent Five Layer Sensor, and  a Three-Layer sensor from Canon,


Next generation of  Dual Pixel Phase Detect AF
Canon Patent – Fast AI Servo with Dual Pixel Phase Detect AF Latest patent surfaced over the web that shows advance Dual pixel technology that shows significant improvement on AF tracking during burst mode. The technology will be implemented on on upcoming pro APS-C DSLR and Full Frame DSLRs. source


External Lens Image Stabilization Unit For your DSLR 
Canon Patent – External Lens Image Stabilization Unit For your DSLR It really is like something out of sci-fi, Canon is working on a external image stabilization unit that will enable Image stabilization in your DSLR, the unit will be placed in between your Camera lens and DSLR, just like as you are using the Canon teleconverters for DSLRs (see Canon EF 1.4X III Telephoto Extender). The best part is your focal length and F value remains same even after adding the external IS mechanism in your DSLR. Source


Canon Working on 100X optical zoom camera
Another 100X Optical Zoom Lens Patent from Canon Another Canon 100X optical zoom lens patent for compact camera surfaced over the web,  Also see one more Canon 100X zoom lens patent published on 2013. Source


Canon Working on SLT Technology
Canon to Bring Back Pellicle Mirror in Upcoming DSLRs Canon latest patent revealed a new DSLR camera that uses Canon old Pellicle Mirror technology and Electronic viewfinder. source


Canon Patent Multi-View Camera System
Canon Patent Multi-View Camera System Canon multi-view camera patent is pending, as far as I can understand from the patent the camera will give you Depth-of-Field control like Lytro camera, wide range of  perspective control, excellent noise control, resolution conversion, HDR, distance estimation like a Rangefinder. source


Canon Working on Liquid Lens
Canon High Speed Liquid Lens Patent Canon high speed liquid lens patent surfaced over the web, it is possible that motor from the liquid lens get eliminated since the liquid changes its shape when desired voltage is applied, take a look at more details below


Canon light-field Sensor technology for improving AF speed
Canon Patent – New Hybrid AF Sensor Canon finally wants to enhance the AF speed and accuracy to next level, they will now use light-field technology to improve the performance of the AF sensor inside the camera. source


Canon Next gen of Dual Pixel AF patent

Improved Dual-Pixel AF Technology

Hybrid AF technology The Next Generation of Dual-Pixel AF sensors show significant improvement in the AF speed and Continuous shooting speed of Canon DSLRs or current 70D, now the upcoming DSLRs doesn’t require to move the mirror up and down during AI servo mode, the advance Dual Pixel technology inside the sensor will do all the   Job and may completely eliminate the need of Phase AF module in the DSLRs. source


Canon 120MP APS-C sensor img

Canon 120MP Sensor
Canon 120MP APS-H Sensor Surfaced Again Back on August 30th, 2010, we have published the news that Canon successfully developed a APS-C H size sensor that can captures still images of 120MP, the same sensor is again being showed at the current CP+ show at 2015, the camera features a continuous shooting speed of 9.5 fps, according to the news Canon will use ‘parallel signal processing’ technology to drag out the maximum output from the camera


canon new viewfinder image

Canon Patent New Optical Viewfinder for Next Flagship
Canon Improved Optical Viewfinder with  magnification ratio of 0.82X

Canon patent a new viewfinder for professional DSLRs that features magnification ratio of 0.82X. Let me know you that the 5D Mark IV viewfinder features magnification ratio of 0.71X and the Canon 1DX Mark II features magnification ratio of 0.76X.

Believe me or not this tech will sure coming in future camera’s of Canon for sure. The viewfinder may be used for upcoming Canon 1DX Mark III or may be Canon 5DS Mark III.


More to come…

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