According to the latest rumors surfaced over the web from reputed rumor mills, Sony A7000 camera may use a brand new 43MP APS-C sensor developed by Sony. Recently Sony’s IMX671AQR sensor specs sheet leaked out. As per the specs sensor features 43MP resolution and is able to record 8K 12bit video too! Not only that, the newly developed sensor also has stacked DRAM and up to 16 bit depth for stills images.
Well, Sony does have 48MP and it is designed for consumers digital cameras. So, this is a good chance we may see a 43MP Quad Bayer Sensor in the upcoming Sony A7000 flagship camera.
International fame photographer bobmartin uploaded a pic at Instagram and mentioned Sony A7 IV as a camera used to capture shot [above]. It can be a typo, but things become more complicated when he replied to a user comment that, yes he is using the Sony A7 IV Camera. Take a look at the screenshot below
Now what does that mean ? It’s a clear indication that the early prototypes of Sony A7 IV Camera are out for test and in next 3 – 4 months we may have official announcement from Sony [before July 2020], if everything goes on schedule.
Sony and Bob martin are closly assoicated to each other, you can watch his videos on Sony official youtube channel
Also look at Sony A7IV recent leaked specification
Sony new camera model code name surfaced at Asian certification agency. The camera equipped with Wi-Fi (2.4GHz) and Bluetooth, that’s all the details we have right now related to the upcoming camera.
We will update you soon as we get more information.
We have received hints from a new source named nano, Sony to announce a new product this month (camera related announcement that’s why we are being informed)
don’t know which product it is related to, but Sony is starting to ship out something later this month. It is scheduled to go on sale 3rd or 10th of June.
The information is coming from a new source to take it with grain of salt.
According to latest version for Sony A7 SIII camera arrive before October 2019. Information is coming from the trusted sources of veteran rumor mill, the camera will carry a newly developed stacked CMOS sensor. [this is not the first time we have received this information, check here]
Not only Sony, Canikon Also Preparing for Flagship Announcement
As we all know Canon and Nikon also preparing for their flagship products, We are expecting Canon 1dx Mark III and Nikon D6 announcement just before Olympics. So, there is a possibility that Sony will also going to announce one of its best camera just before DSLR makers flagship product announcement to flush out their announcement.
Sony A7S III Specification hints from Sony
Sony representative told us during the interviews that they are working hard on Sony A7S III camera to go beyond customer expectations. Take a look what they said.
” (A7S II users)They want 4K/60p, 4:2:2 10-bit, and of course more battery power, increased AF accuracy – many things!”
In past we have also received leaked the specification hints of the upcoming Sony A7S III camera you can check it out here.
See more rumors about Sony A7S III camera
Based on the rumors we have received in past, Sony is A7S III will carry Dual Based ISO for the first time in Sony Mirrorless camera and other rumors suggest some initial prototypes of Sony A7S III camera doesn’t have 30min recording limit.
TNC Exclusive: Sony A6700 Specification and image surfaced over the web, the information is coming from anonymous source to take it with grain of salt. In general we do get lot’s of anonymous information but we never publish it. The set of specification we have got look logical to us, that’s why we have decided to share with you.
Take a look at the Rumored Specification of the Sony A6700 camera below
Sony A6700 Specification
26 MP Sensor [IMX 571]
Shutter 1/6000 – 30sec
12 FPS Continuous shooting Speed
4K 60FPS
Full HD 180 FPS
560g body weight
214X 85 X 57
Dual Memory Card Slot
Ext. Mic input
Improved IBIS (Built-in Image stabilization)
Fast Tracking
Boost Charge (Fast Charging)
We will update you soon once we get more information about Sony upcoming flagship camera.
Now let’s talk about the set of information we actually have and the possible scenario of Sony next announcement. It’s look like sony is now done with its Fullframe camera announcements and finally we will be having some great APS-C Mirrorless camera announcement ahead.
In an interview with Sony manager Mr. Tanka at photokina 2018 news event, he said
Mr. Tanaka: Originally there was a lineup of APS-C cameras as the entrance of the user to the E mount, but for the time being as a requirement of our existing users who are many pros and high amateur users, we must first enrich the high end, for a while I was on holiday. However, the high end also had all this, so it is probably a good time.
Some Speculations about time of announcement
From (translated version)
Although it says that it can not make a statement as to the release timing, it is that he wants to continue to report again at a time when it is not so disappointing. CP + etc etc of next year has become very much looking forward to.
Why CP+ ? Since Sony do not have any new camera in registered wireless certification agency. more details below
No new camera in Announcement Pipeline for now
Now if you look at the Japanese trusted sources information sheet, then we do not have any new APS-C or Fullframe Sony camera registered at Indonesian wireless agency for wireless certification. That clearly indicates that, no Sony big announcement is near around us. Probably as the Japanese news website is saying, we may see a Sony APS-C mirrorless camera announcement and the beginning of 2019 or maybe during the CP Plus event.
stay with us and we will going to update you soon as we get any new set of information related to Sony upcoming cameras and lenses.
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