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Canon 5D Mark IV Will Not Record 4K Videos

The most of the rumors we have received till (including the wild one) now said that the upcoming 5D Mark IV camera will feature 4K video recording, but now here comes the twist, according to EOS HD website they have received a email from a visitor of the show who had spoken off with Canon representative who told him that the Canon thinks that 4K capable 5D Mk IV camera will shut down the sales of recently announced C100 Mark II camera.

Actually it depend on Canon wat to implement or not, but a overpriced camera with less feature will get tough competition from Sony A series mirrorless camera as well as upcoming Nikon 4K capable DSLRs.

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3 comments to Canon 5D Mark IV Will Not Record 4K Videos

  • so any word on a nikon with 4k? since i will now not be selling my 6 grand in panasonic gear to go to canon, maybe nikon will be my choice?

  • Marcus

    If you want to make professional looking 4K videos, a DSLR with 4K possibilities is not the right tool for you. 4K recording in an DSLR or compact camera is only a feature for hobby fotographers. Professional photographers don’t need 4K video.

    The 5D series aims at pros, but a lot of hobby photographers think that they need such an expensive camera.

    Canon has a very good lens lineup, Sony and Nikon cameras better DR and IQ.

    Cameras are only tools. Hobby photographers and a lot of so called pros cry every year for better cameras and more specs. But the skills and the vision of a photographer, the composition and the light is more important than a stupid camera.

    If I look on the 4K market only the pro video cameras over 5000 bucks delivers a video quality that meet my expectations. You will see these IQ maybe in 3-4 years in affordable cameras.

  • I, Max

    “Professional photographers don’t need 4k video”? That’s quite a sweeping statement. Lots of us pros at least want 4k so what you meant was you don’t want 4k on your DSLR. “If you want professional-looking 4k videos a DSLR is not the right tool for you”? Really? The footage out of a 2500 a7s doesn’t look professional? Even the gh4, for all its flaws can take incredible stuff in adequate light. And finally, enough with the playing “professional” card–that’s meaningless. Some “professional” work I do is a lot less “serious” than the “hobby” work I do–sometimes art is more important than commerce. Emily Dickinson was an “amateur” poet. Rod McKuen, the worst poet in history, made millions and millions of dollars. Finally, defending Canon for intentionally crippling its flagship camera so that it won’t cut into the sales of an even more overpriced, also-intentionally crippled camera (the C100) by saying it doesn’t matter what camera you use if you’re a pro doesn’t hold water. Of course a talented videographer can get something interesting-looking out of anything. But that’s no excuse for Canon putting out yet another pricey camera with four year old specs.

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