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Firmware Update

Nikon D7800 Coming Q2 of 2021

According to the rumors surfaced over the web, Nikon may update it’s Nikon D7500 DSLR with the Nikon D7800 model. The camera is expected to arrive Q2 of 2021 with a Hybrid Sensor. It’s too early to talk about the specs, Nikon is in the mood to introduce Hybrid Sensors in their DX series DSLR line-up. We will update you soon once we get more information on the Nikon D7800 DSLR.

According to the present invention, it is possible to obtain appropriate exposure for subjects with different distances.

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Canon EOS R5 Camera Price

Lates rumors coming from Australia, The Australian retailer Camera Warehouse listed Canon EOS R5 camera with a price tag of A$ 10,499. If we convert it to US dollars then we have to pay US$ 6,750 ( INR Rs/- 5,09,557).  The price of the camera is expected to be somewhere around the price of Canon 1DX Mark III.

Actual Price or Quick Marketing Research?

May be Canon want to know the feedback of consumers before they actually put the price tag over the camera.  Btw, I was expecting the price tag of $4000  (+- $500).

Canon EOS R5 Specification

  • 45mp full-frame CMOS sensor
  • IBIS (5 stops with IBIS alone, 7-8 stops of correction when used with in-lens stabilization)
  • 12fps mechanical, 20fps electronic
  • Dual card slots
  • Scroll wheel added to the back
  • Liveview/Movie toggle like previous EOS DSLRs
  • Larger capacity battery, but looks like the LP-E6
  • 8K @ 30fps
  • 4K @ 120fps
  • 4K @ 60fps
  • Built-in 5GHz WiFi
  • New battery, but the same shape and compatibility as the EOS 5D Mark IV

More detailed video specification available here

Also see – Canon EOS R5 vs Canon EOS R vs Canon EOS RP – Image Comparison

Get Canon EOS R5 from B&H Store |

We will update you soon as we get any new information related to the upcoming cameras.

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Canon EOS R5 Surfaced at Bluetooth Certification Agency - Update

Just a small update to confirm previous rumor surfaced by Japanese sources.  The Canon EOS R5 camera registered with multiple model code names at Bluetooth certification agency and we also have the screen shot of the page.

Canon EOS R5 Model code details published earlier also

  • Canon “DS126831 / 36/37/38/39/40” also passed Bluetooth certification.
  • 36 is North American version [1-11,36-64,149-165ch],
  • 38 is Taiwan etc. version [1-11,36-165ch],
  • 39 is Chinese version [1-13,36-64,149] -165ch].
  • There should be a Japanese version [1-13,36-140ch] and a 1-13,36-165ch compatible version.


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Sigma Lenses Coming for Canon RF Mount

According to the latest rumors, Sigma will release a new range of Canon RF mount lenses dedicated to RF mount. Sources of the rumor mill suggest that we will have a “unique lineup” for the RF mount. No, further information available.

TNC Take –

Before we get overexcited while reading this news, we have to accept one fact that  Canon wants to keep their user in their very own eco-system. But they should learn Something from Sony too, Sony shared it’s E-Mount details with Tamron, Sigma and Zeiss for creating more compatible lenses for their E-Mount system.

Now the AF system is becoming more and more complex with the integration of self-learning AI algorithms. Now, the upcoming Sigma lenses need proper communication and advance software so that Sigma can have equally good AF as of Canon RF Lenses.

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Canon EOS R5 Camera Coming on May 16th, 2020

According to the latest rumors Canon EOS R5 camera. According to a German retailer, the Canon EOS R5 camera is officially coming on May 16, 2020. BTW, we don’t have any confirmation from trusted Japanes sources.


Also see –

We will update you soon as we get any new information related to the upcoming cameras.

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Canon Consumer Drone - Patent

Canon working on research and development of their Consumer-grade Drones? Well, at least from a patent it looks so.  Canon is working on its first generation of consumer-grade Drones, maybe in the next two to three years can get a Drone camera from Canon.

Patent Details Translated

An object of the present invention is to provide a mechanism in which a cable unmanned aerial vehicle can be guided to a safe place by adjusting the length of a cable connected to the unmanned aerial vehicle so that the unmanned aerial vehicle falls to a safe place when dropped. An unmanned aerial vehicle control system in which an unmanned aerial vehicle connected to a base station by a cable and an information processing device are connected via a network, wherein a comparison is made between the size of the base station and the length of the cable. Means, and a cable adjusting means for controlling the length of the cable to be shorter than the width of the base station when the length of the cable is determined to be longer than the width of the base station by the comparing means. It is characterized by having.

Patent Details
Application JPxxxxxxxx9A events – 2019-08-21
Application filed by Canon Marketing Japan Inc – 2019-08-21
Priority to JPxxxxxxxx9A – 2019-11-24
Publication of JPxxxxxxxx9A
Status – Pending

Canon already have Industrial Grade Drone Under Development (Announced on April 2017)

Well, back in April 2017 Canon done a development announcement of industrial drone PD6E2000-AW-CJ1 (yes only model code name available). And they never made it official. And the drone looks like still in the development stage. BTW, the industrial drone was using ME20F-SH high sensitivity camera, and by high sensitivity they mean ISO that can go all the way up to ISO 4 560 000! But, the cost of the camera was $19K.

We will update you soon as we get any new information.

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Canon Upcoming RF Mount Full Frame Mirrorless Lenses 2020 - 2022

Based on the recent set patents surfaced over the web, these 4 lenses are expected to arrive within 2 years of the timeline. In general, when Canon applies for a patent they generally take 1 to 2 years of time to make the product official. So, we do hope and expect that these RF lenses will arrive in the next two years.

Canon Upcoming RF Lenses List

  • Canon 24-100mm F4 IS USM
  • Canon RF 70-300mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM
  • Canon RF 100-500mm F5.6-6.4 IS USM
  • Canon RF 100mm F2.8 2x Macro
  • Canon RF 50mm F1.8
  • Canon  RF 85mm F1.8
  • Canon RF 100 mm F1.8

More Details about Canon upcoming RF Lenses

1. Canon 24-100mm F4 IS USM Lens Patent Details

Embodiment 4: RF24-100mm F4, not RF24-105mm F4 IS USM
Zoom ratio: 4.13
Focal length: 24.72 53.96 102.00 mm
F number: 4.12 4.12 4.12
Half angle of view: 41.19 21.85 11.98
Image height: 21.64 21.64 21.64 mm
Lens length: 133.43 152.26 171.08 mm
Back focus: 18.51 32.77 43.74 mm

2. Canon RF 70-300mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM Lens Patent Details

Zoom ration: 3.97
Focal length: 72.86 133.96 289.00 mm
F number: 3.75 4.66 5.83
Half angle ov view: 16.54 9.17 4.28
Image height: 21.64 21.64 21.64 mm
Lens length: 162.01 202.44 237.12 mm
Back focus: 13.80 31.02 57.79 mm

3. Canon RF 100-500mm F5.6-6.4 IS USM Lens Patent Details

Zoom ration: 4.75
Focal length: 102.00 220.00 485.00 mm
F number: 5.69 6.14 6.43
Half angle of view: 11.98 5.62 2.55
Image height: 21.64 21.64 21.64 mm
Lens length: 213.16 266.00 293.16 mm
Bacl focus: 11.09 26.50 42.04 mm

4. Canon RF 100mm F2.8 2x Macro IS Lens Patent Details

Focal length: 103.00 mm
F number: 2.92
Half angel of view: 11.86
Image height: 21.64 mm
Lens length: 167.36 mm
Back focus: 15.14 mm

5. Canon  RF 85mm F1.8 Lens Patent Details

Focal length: 84.05 mm
F number: 1.86
Half angle of view: 14.44
Image height: 21.64 mm
Lens length: 100.02 mm
Back focus: 14.64 mm

6. Canon RF 100 mm F1.8 Lens Patent Details

Focal length: 101.03 mm
F number: 2.88
Half angle of view: 12.09
Image height: 21.64 mm
Lens length: 130.45 mm
Back focus: 18.70 mm

We will update you soon as we get any new information.

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