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Canon Patent Variable Optical Low Pass Filter

Latest patent document surfaced over the web suggest us that Canon is working on a variable low-pass filter. Adding a variable low-pass filter to DSLR will sure increase the image quality of the camera. Many of the Pentax DSLRs are using the variable low-pass filter from past few years but Canon is still in the process to implement it.


Take a look at the more details below

Patent Publication No. 2016-173437
Published 2016.9.29
Filing date 2015.3.17
Canon patent
Performing object recognition using an image sensor AE sensor
Using a variable OLPF for false color reduction
Image quality decreases when focus deviation occurs is generated by the temperature, is detected object recognition is erroneous
It suppresses the effect of the variable OLPF according to the temperature, suppressing the influence of the deterioration in image quality

Thanks for reading | More Canon patents here

source – egami

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