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Firmware Update

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Hacked by Magic Lantern

Canon 5D Mark IV hacked image

Magic Lantern Team successfully hacked the Canon EOS-M camera and we will soon see an alpha version of ML firmware during the next weeks.

For those who don’t know about Magic Lantern lt me introduce you that Magic Lantern is a free software that can be easily downloaded and run through the SD/CF card and adds a host of new features to Canon EOS cameras that weren’t included from the factory by Canon.

Although keep in mind that these software is not made by Canon so use it on your own risk.

If you remember we have published the news when Magic Lantern team was able to drag out RAW video from Canon 5D Mark III. – Magic Lantern – Raw Video from the Canon 5D Mark III is Now Possible

Also see – Canon 5D Mark IV Best lenses Selected by our expert editors

source ML Forum

2 comments to Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Hacked by Magic Lantern

  • Steve

    Excellent work done by ML team

    I personally want to congratulate them for such hardwork

    Canon want to protect its Cinema line by putting a mask over the 5D Mk IV video performance

    They are doing a big mistake and we have to carry since we are associated with the EOS lineup for years

    The ML can do job for me if they get into the camera firmware properly

  • 5DMarkFree

    Well I agree with Steve in this

    Putting a mask on Canon 5D Mark iv video performance isn’t a good idea

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