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Sony Upcoming Cameras 2019

let’s talk about the list of upcoming Sony camera in the year of 2019. The most awaited camera is of-course the Sony A7 S III. We have heard a lot about its features in rumor mills, Sony also confirmed via interviews that Camera will have more than what people are expecting. Sony A7S III camera is rumored to arrive at the first or second quarter of 2019. But not only Sony A7 S III, me to have a list of cameras those who are expected to arrive this year.

1. Sony A7S III

Sony A7S III camera is expected to arrive in the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2019. We have a lot of leaked information related to upcoming Sony A7S III camera (check all here). The Upcoming Sony A7S III camera is expected to arrive with 8k or 6k video recording capability. Not only that, we have also got some hints that Sony may use 36 megapixel full frame sensor inside the Sony upcoming A7S III camera (however, Sony uses low res sensor in A7S series camera, so we are waiting for further confirmation). And one more information surprised us that upcoming camera may feature Dual base ISO, for the first time in any Sony Mirrorless camera. It’s bit obvious to have improved built-in IS and new Hybrid AI based AF system. Sony A7S III camera is coming with a big jump in core specification that we have seen inside the Sony A7S II camera.

2. Sony A7R IV

Sony A7 IV camera is also expected to arrive in the year of 2019. Now, if we look in past Sony have a good history of announcing the Sony A7R series camera after a year of gap. If Sony follows the same schedule then we will sure have our new Sony A7R IV camera possibly in the month of June or maybe October of 2019. Take a look at the scheduled announcement timelines of Sony A7R Series camera

 Announcement Timeline  Camera Names
Oct, 2013 Sony A7R
June, 2015 Sony A7R II
Oct, 2017 Sony A7R III
2019 Sony A7R IV

Recently, We have received information that Sony successfully developed a new 60 megapixel full frame sensor. The sensor is also capable to record 8K videos. However at the moment we don’t have any concrete details about the Sony A7R IV camera. There are lot of fussy information floating on the web, but none of them look reliable to us. We will update you soon once any solid information about the upcoming camera.

3. Sony A6700

Sony A6700 announcement is also expected in the year of 2019. We have received strong hints in past that Sony will announce their APS-C flagship camera in Q1 / Q2 of 2019. We have also received initial set of leaked specification that suggest the camera will carry 26 MP APS-C CMOS sensor, 12fps of continuous shooting mode and 4K @ 60p with 10 bit output. The sensor based image stabilization system is more improved compared to previous generation of IBIS.

4. Sony A9 II

Sony A9 II announcement is also expected at the end of 2019. Sony A9 II is said to be 1dx Mark III and Nikon D6 killer. The camera will feature 8k video recording capability, and there is big possibility that we may see the 36 megapixel full frame sensor, Improved AI based auto-focusing system. And lot more improvement compared to the existing Sony A9 camera. Sony will sure announce A9 successor at the end of 2019 to flush up the Canon 1DX Mark III and Nikon D6 announcement.

also see – Sony A9 II, A7S III and A7R IV to Feature 8K Video Recording Capability

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Sony A9 II, A7S III and A7R IV to Feature 8K Video Recording Capability

Sony 8K camera image

We have told you a while ago that Sony upcoming cameras will have 8K video recording capability, now we are getting more confirmation about it. It’s a Big Leak Coming out from trusted rumor mill, Upcoming flagship Sony A7 Series and A9 Series Camera. The initial list include Sony A9 II, Sony A7S III and Sony A7R IV to Feature 8K Video Recording Capability.

We are Living in 6K Era

8K isn’t a Big thing for Sony, Sony A6500 ( B&H Store | Amazon) camera announced back on October 2016. The Sony A6500 is a $1K camera and it records 6K videos (Full sensor readout) to create 4K videos. And in the same way high-end FF cameras also like, Sony A7III, Sony A7R III and Sony A9 records 6K and then they downscale the recorded data to 4K or Full HD.

Sony A9 II, A7S III and A7R IV to Feature 8K

Initial reports suggest Sony is already actively working to implement 8K videos in their upcoming Mirrorlss camera.

We have just published the details of two upcoming Fullframe sensors from Sony, the 36MP and the 60MP Fullframe sensor.  Based on the latest reports we are getting the DUO are capable to record to 8K videos.

We have told you already that Sony A7S III camera may carry the 36MP sensor and if not then the sensor will get reserved for the next iteration of Sony A9 camera, the Sony A9II. And the 60MP sensor is most likely to get inside the Sony A7R IV camera without a doubt.

But, As we all know that Sony A7S series uses low-resolution sensor and more concerned  towards its low-light performance. So, we may see a 36MP sensor inside the A9 II instead of A7S III.

One more thing, the 8K will not going to remain limited to Sony. As we all know that Most of the Panasonic  G series camera uses Sony sensors. Latest Reports suggest the 36MP sensor is also expected to arrive inside Panasonic  Lumix S series camera.

Final Words, it’s not clear that Sony will allow these upcoming camera to give 8K 60fps output to users or limit their capabilities  to 8K @ 30fps or  6K @ 60fps.

Update @ 2021 Sony 8K capable Mirrorless Camera:

Sony A1 camera records 8K Video available at B&H Store

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