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Firmware Update

Nikon D3300 Leaked Image


Nikon D3300 image in golden color surfaced over the web today and we may see it in 2013 or Q1 of 2014, we don’t have any details about the specification yet, we will update you soon as we get any new information.

Stay with us on Facebook and Google plus, more update coming soon.

Samsung Fullframe Mirrorless Coming Soon

Samsung-NX-FullframeSamsung Fullframe Mirrorless may arrive soon, Samsung NXF1 camera listed on Samsung website and we haven’t seen any NX F series camera yet, the F keyword may be used for Fullframe series? We don’t have clues or details yet, but we will update you soon as we get any new information.

Stay with us on Facebook and Google plus, more update coming soon. | See more Samsung Rumors



White Kiss / Rebel Coming - Canon Japan Teaser Video

Canon Japan uploaded a 12 sec white Kiss / Rebel teaser video on Facebook Page, the short video give us no clue about upcoming camera but…. a white Kiss is jumping all over the screen for 12 sec, I have BIG doubt that nothing serious coming on Nov 2013, we may see a White version of 100D / SL1 camera only or something similar to that.

Link to Teaser – Canon Japan Facebook || Also See – Teaser – Canon New Camera Coming on November 2013

Stay with us on Facebook and Google plus, more update coming soon. || See more Canon Rumor


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More Details About Sony Upcoming Full Frame Mirrorless Camera


We have collected few details about upcoming Sony NEX Full Frame camera, take a look at the details below…

1. Two NEX Full Frame camera coming on October 2013 – The first camera will be a high-end and the second one is entry level full-frame camera with a price tag under $3000 / Canon 6D and Nikon D610 Compatitior

2. The High-End FF NEX will have 36 Megapixel Sensor and and the entry level FF NEX will have 24 megapixel sensor.

3. According to latest rumors the design of both the FF models look similar to the Olympus OMD series cameras.

4. Both cameras will not have on sensor stabilization

5. The name of Upcoming Mirrorless FF camera name are A7 and A7r.

See more Sony Rumors | Stay with us on Facebook and Google plus, more update coming soon.

Sony A3000 vs Nikon D3200

Sony-A3000-vs-Nikon-D3200-image-1Sony A3000 vs Nikon D3200 Specification comparison, Sony Just announced the entry level E-mount mirrorless DSLR styled camera, the specification of the Sony look very impressive compared to other DSLRs of the same segment, take a look at the comparison review below…

Sony A3000 features excellent core specification compared to the Nikon D3200 DSLR,
Best in Sony A3000

1. Better low light performance – Sony entry level Mirrorless DSLR styled camera features amazing ISO range, the ISO range is upto 16000, Nikon D3200 is limited to 12800 only. (Keep in mind that Nikon D3200 also uses Sony Sensor)

2. More AF point: Sony A3000 have better AF system compared to Nikon S3200, Sony features 25 AF points and Nikon D3200 features 11 AF points only.

3. Better Video Mode: Sony A3000 Supports Full HD Video capture mode @ 60fps frame rate, Nikon Full HD is limited to 30 fps only.


Why Nikon D3200 is Better ?

1. More Megapixel (20 vs 24) – More megapixel compared to Sony A3000, The D3200 sensor size is bit smaller than Sony but it offers more megapixels.

2. Bit Fast Top Continuous Shooting Speed (3.5 vs 4 fps) – Nikon D3200 features 4fps of shooting speed and Sony A3000 limited to 3.5fps only.

3. High Resolution Display – Nikon D3200 features High-Resolution display compared to Nikon D3200.

4. Optical Viewfinder – Nikon D3200 offers optical viewfinder, Sony have EVF.

 Other features – Nikon D3200 features external mic jack A3000 is missing, Sony A3000 features Auto HDR mode and Dynamic Range Optimizer (DRO).

Price Difference: Nikon D3200 DSLR Price is $540 | Sony A3000 price is $398

Verdict: We highly recommend you to buy Sony A3000

Buy Sony A3000  from Amazon | B&H

Nikon D3200 available at Amazon | B&H | Amazon UK

Also see: Sony A3000 Recommended Lenses | Nikon D3200 Recommended Lenses

Toshiba announces dual camera module for smartphones


Toshiba today announced dual lens module for smartphones and tablets, the dual camera module / TCM9518MD features two 1/4″ 1.4um 5-megapixel CMOS sensors., part of the module is a dedicated LSI that can upscale image capture up to 13-megapixels. It will features Lytro-like ability to refocus, “deep focus” picture where everything is sharp and will also create more shallow depth of field in images compared to other compact size sensors, Toshiba doesn’t expect to mass produce the sensors until April, and finished products will likely come later.

Continue reading Toshiba announces dual camera module for smartphones

Fujifilm X-A1 Sample Image

Fujifilm-X-A1-Sample-Image-Many Fujifilm X-A1 Sample Image now available, fujifilm recently announced the most affordable X series entry level mirrorless camera,  it features 16 MP APS-C CMOS sensor and moderate core spcification – See more about X-A1

Sample images at Fujifilm Website – See here

Sample Images at fstoplounge – See here


Fujifilm X-A1 Price is $599 with kit lens
Pre-order Fujifilm X-A1 with 16-50mm Kitl Lens at Amazon
Pre-order Fujifilm X-A1 with 16-50mm Kitl Lens at B&H Store