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Firmware Update

Breaking News: Panasonic LUMIX S1H Paired with LiDAR AF System Spotted

We have just published the news that Panasonic will soon update its major camera firmware to make it compatible with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) autofocusing system.

Pics that show the Panasonic S1H camera working in calibration with the LiDAR autofocusing system + RS Pro 3 gimbal to stabilize the camera. Although We don’t have that much detail on how the autofocus performed during the test, the combination of LiDAR autofocusing system with RS Pro 3 gimbal and Lumix S1H camera isn’t a cheap package.

Instead putting time on Lidar Tech, they should announce S1H Mark II with Hybrid Sensor asap – TNC

At the same time, they say they have already DEVELOPED their hybrid CMOS SENSOR, and we have already seen it in the Panasonic S5 MARK II mirrorless camera. Then, instead of investing time and money in LiDAR autofocusing system, it’s better to announce a new series of updated sensors for all their pro cameras with a hybrid system that they already have.

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Panasonic G9 Mark II Rumors

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