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Canon 1DX Mark III Coming in Q1 of 2020

Yes, In my opinion Canon is clearly talking about introduction time of Canon flagship DSLR camera Canon 1dx Mark III. When interviewer from DPreview asked “Olympics in 2020 is coming up – what will we see” . Then Canon clearly hinted us that we will going to announce a Pro Model at that time.

Yep – they are taking about 1DX Mark III.

1. Canon 1dx Mark III  Announcement Time hint

Q. The Tokyo Olympics in 2020 is coming up – when we look at photographers shooting with Canon at Tokyo in two years time, what will we see?

A. The Tokyo Olympics is a very important opportunity for us. If we look at the professional camera market, we would like to introduce a professional model at that time. Having said that, we take reliability very seriously. So when we talk about [creating] a model for the Olympics, we’re not just talking about performance. We’re also want to make sure that we can achieve the same level of reliability that we’ve always delivered [in our professional DSLRs].

Now, we have clear hint that canon will going to announce the 1dx mark III camera before 2020 Olympics. Or may be they are talking about introduction of a completely new Pro body DSLR body ? .. Keep in mind that every Canon DSLRs are announced under a series (either entry level, mid or high-end), And if Canon is talking about a Pro DSLR that clearly means they are talking about the 1DX Series for sure.

2. Canon 1DX Mark III  in Q1 of 2020

Olympics 2020

Now let’s talk about the timeframe when 1dx Mark 3 camera will going to be announced ? The 2020 Olympics will going to start from, Friday 24 July 2020 and will going to end on 9 August 2020.

3. Life-cycle of Canon FF Flagship DSLR camera Camera

In general Canon keep 4 to 5 years of Gap to announce a Pro Flagship body, but due to intense market completion we may see Pro DSLR before scheduled announcement date.

Canon 1DX Canon 1DX Mark II Canon 1DX Mark III
Oct 2011 Feb 2016 2020 ?

4. Announcement Time vs Shipping Time

Canon 1DX Mark II was announced in Feb 2016 and the shipping of the camera was started from April 2016.

Now, you have to understand that there is a difference between the announcement of a product and the shipping of a product. If any manufacturer announces a camera today then in general it shipping will going to start from after 2 or 3 months of time.

5. End of 2019 or Beginning of 2020

So, clearly means Canon 1dx Mark III is somehow scheduled to arrive at the end of 2019 or maybe in the beginning / Q1 of 2020. So photographers can get hands-on camera before 2020 Olympics.

Thanks Canon for letting us know that yes you are working restlessly to bring up new flagship camera for us before the 2020 Olympics.

Do share your thoughts and suggestion with us.


Also see – Canon 7D II coming with Dual DIgic 8 Image processor

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