Canon 90D creative image
Based on the latest information available to us via trusted Japanese sources Canon K437 model is using the same LP-E6N battery that is being used by Canon 80D (Amazon | B&H) as well as many Canon Pro APS-C and Fullframe cameras.
Now, if we look at the rumors we are getting from past few months from reputed rumor mills that Canon 90D is set to arrive before Canon 7D Mark III camera. If it is still true then for sure the DSLR registered with model code K437 is Canon 90D.
List of Canon Upcoming DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras
Update: 26/ June / 2018
After K437 Canon Registered one more model DS 126721 having the same battery as we have seen inside the Canon 80D, 7D Mark II and Canon 5D Mark IV. The DS 126 721 is also using advance wireless module WM600 (Canon 6D mark II using WM500). We do expect Canon registered 7D Mark III camera under the model code DS126 721. But at the same time now we have two pro DSLR models ins the announcement line. K437 and DS 126721, the K437 was registered 3 – 4 months ago which I do expect its a 90D camera and DS126721 registered yesterday and it can be the successor of 7D Mark II.
What we can expect from Canon 90D
Canon 80D is one of the hottest selling Canon DSLR, the DSLR is being used by Photographers as well as video-bloggers all over the globe due to its advance core specification and super fast DPAF support. Now let’s see What we are expecting from Canon next camera.
of-course 4K, Digic 8 image processor and new File formats as we have already seen inside the Canon EOS M50 camera. As we all know Canon 50D was not allowed to record Video despite of having all the hardware support needed at that time to record Full HD videos. But after that Canon 60D was the first camera to have fully-articulated, Canon 70D was the first camera to have DPAF sensor, now what next in 90D… ?
1. New Sensor in Canon 90D
The Canon 80D sensor is even better Canon 7D Mark II camera, but based on the rumors we have received in the past the Canon 90D is coming in second half of 2018 with a brand new sensor. Well’ that’s really interesting if true and we are waiting for that.
2. Digic 8 Image Processor
We are confirmed about the presence of Digic 8 inside Canon 90D DSLR. And with introduction of new image processor we are also expecting boost in ISO performance. The low-light performance of the camera will boost from 25600 to 51200 and standard ISO range from 16000 to 25600. Continuous shooting speed of the camera will touch somewhere around 9 FPS and Canon will also implement advance image decoding algorithms along with the new image processor. So enhancement in Dynamic Range and support of new file formats are also expected.
3. Video 4k 30p
There are lot of Mirrorless camera at $1k price range or even less than that offers 4K video. Intorduction of 4K video inside Canon 90D camera is imminent. It’s also important for survival of DSLRs. However, now it all depends upon Canon how they want to introduce 4K inside Canon 90D. With limitation OR without as we have already seen inside the Canon EOS M50 camera($699). For those who don’t know the Canon EOS M50 camera comes with a limited 4K video mode where you can not use the DPAF (Dual Pixel CMOS AF System) while creating 4K video with your camera.
4. Price of Canon 90D
The introductory price of the camera is rumored to be $1200. The exact announcement date of the camera isn’t know, but it is said to be 2nd half of 2018.
What features you want to see inside Canon 90D camera, Dual SD card slot or Built-in Image stabilization ? Do share your thoughts with us ?
Also see –Why I am worried about Canon 90D Successor Name ?
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My Wish list with Canon 90D
24MP Sensor
ISO 102400
4K Video
Advance DPAF
The 80D sensor is only better than the 7DII’s in one area, low ISO DR, it’s actually worse for noise above about ISO 400 and actually not that good. 90D needs to be a whole lot better as it’s still 1EV worse in DR than the competition at low ISO and the high ISO noise and DR also need large improvements. Canon’s AF is falling behind and time to offer a something that can beat out the D7500 and 7DII. Also stop gimping video features, offer better codecs, c-log, focus peaking, hybrid EVF+OVF, eye tracking.
4k60 and FHD120-240 is basic if they thinking to be number 1 in APSC world. Today 4k30 is in basic camera …
Tell me what other cameras have 4K 60fps outside of Canon 1DXII and GH5. 4K 60fps produces a lot of heat. There are no cheap cameras with that spec and to think the 90D will get it is ridiculous.
Canon 90d price
i was decide to buy canon brand camera under 2000 dollar with 4k video but there is no option.so what you recommend me? can i wait more for 90d?even if m50 is 4k its auto focus in 4k and some of its specifications are too bad.