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Firmware Update

Panasonic GH5s Leaked Image

Panasonic GH5s image leak

First leaked images of the Panasonic GH5s camera surfaced over the web. We are taking GH5s name (S – sensitivity), however the name of the camera isn’t confirmed yet. The upcoming camera is dedicated for low-light shooting and will have a low resolution sensor. (A7S II Competitor ?)

The image of leaked camera look similar to Panasonic GH5 ( From rear side ). The announcement time of the camera is rumored to be sometime in December 15, 2017. We are one of the first website who told you.

The camera may features a 10MP Low light 4/3 sensor made by Sony. One of the most important feature about the sensor, it can record  4K at 120 frame/s. So, now it all up to Panasonic how they can use the sensor and how much processing power does the new gen of Venus Engine Image Processor have.

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Olympus E-M10 Images Leaked

Olympus-OM-D-E-M10-imageOlympus E-M10 images leaked today, E-M10 will arrive in Black and silver color and the camera is rumored to be announced on last week of January 2014 (possibly on Jan 29) with following lenses, the price is expected to be….

  • Estimated retail price of E-M10 is ¥ 80,000 body only.
  • Lens kit is around 95,000 yen.
  • Double zoom kit is around 110,000 yen.
  • Grip (postscript) E-M10 only is provided. Expected price is around 6000 yen.


Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 Image Leaked


The Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 Image Leaked Image Surfaced over Olympus Nordic Facebook page, the lens look very well build, compact and soild. We will update you soon as we get any new information.

via – olynordic

Panasonic GF2 to be announced

Panasonic GF2

Panasonic GF2

43 Rumors confirms that Panasonic GF2 to be announced next week, cross your fingers and just hope for the best…  🙂

As written 43 Rumors

” The GF2 is incredibly tiny! De facto it will become the smallest mirrorless camera ever (bye bye Sony NEX!). And it will use the same Panasonic G2 12 Megapixel sensor “

Visit 43Rumors to read the full post

Panasonic GF2
Panasonic GF2 Promo Video
Panasonic GF2 Sample Images