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Firmware Update

Nikon Z50 II and Nikon Z 50mm F1.4 - Latest Rumors

As per the latest rumors, it is almost confirmed that the Z50 replacement is coming on or before November 2024, and a Nikon FX-Format Lens announcement is expected in August-September 2024. A Chinese distributor revealed these details, although he shared a minimal set of information and skipped the names and specs of the models to be announced. When asked about the Z5 successor, he said it is not coming in 2024. He declined to share any information about the Nikon Next FX Camera announcement when asked about the Z7 III and its potential for a massive resolution.

— End of Rumor —

TNC Take –

Nikon Z50 II or Nikon Z80 – Nikon’s Next DX Camera

The good news is finally after a long gap it has almost been confirmed that we will have a DX camera announcement from Nikon, its mentioned its Z50 replacement so we can expect the camera to be called Nikon Z50 II. Recently E88_8888 shouted about the Nikon Z80 arrival, so we cannot put confirmation over the Z50 successor name, it could be Z50 II or Z80, but for sure it’s on the announcement pipeline.

Nikon 50mm F1.4 Z or Something else

As per the intial hints we have, test cycles for the Nikon 50mm F1.4 are almost completed, and the lens is about to enter production once the demand for the Z35mm F1.4 stabilizes to a point. I believe the Z50mm F1.4 announcement is imminent. The only possible delay could be if the demand for the 35mm F1.4 exceeds expectations, putting extra pressure on the production line

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