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Firmware Update

Panasonic CM10 Smartphone Leaked Images

Panasonic-CM10-imagesThe successor of Panasonic CM1 smartphone with a large 1″ sensor is finally coming, the successor model name is CM10 and its leaked images are now floating over the web, see more images below.

The Panasonic CM10 smartphone is expected to arrive in February month, we will update you more as soon as we get any more information.Panasonic CM10 Smartphone Leaked Images




Panasonic TZ100 vs Panasonic TZ80

Panasonic-TZ80-camera-imageTake a look at the specification comparison review of all the two upcoming camera that expected to to arrive on CES 2016.

The only major difference we see is the sensor size of both the camera, the TZ100 (TZ101 in Europe) feature 1 inch sensor that will sure give you more dynamic range and low-light sensitivity. Rest of the specification remains same in paper as you can see below… the most important part that both compact camera will get 4K video recording capability from Panasonic.

Comparison-TZ100-and-TZ80-iPanasonic will announce both the camera along with following products on January 5th at around 5-6am London time:
– LEICA DG VARIO-ELMAR 100-400mm F4-6.3
– HC-VXF990 (camcorder)
– HC-VX980 (camcorder)

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German Mag Leaks Upcoming Panasonic Products

German Mag leaked out all the major upcoming products by Panasonic,  take a look at the details below.

panasonic-upcoming-camera-iAs we have published already that Panasonic is fully prepared to announce a new bunch of products in the upcoming CES events, the list also includes a 1″ sensor based camera TZ100 that will know as TZ101 in Europe, along with TZ100 Panasonic will also announce TZ80 camera with 2/3 inch sensor.


Panasonic is also rumored to announce a new Leica DG Vario-Elmar 100-400mm f/4-6.3 lens, all these products are available on the hard copies of German Magzine Color Foto.

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Panasonic to Announce TZ100, TZ80 and New MFT Lenses


Finally we have the list of upcoming products and images, Panasonic will announce 2 new compact camera, a new 10-400mm lens and 2 camcorders, take a look at the list below

  1. Panasonic announcement on January 5th at around 5-6am London time:
    – DMC-TZ100 (colors black and silver)
    – DMC-TZ80 (colors black and silver)
    – LEICA DG VARIO-ELMAR 100-400mm F4-6.3
    – HC-VXF990 (camcorder)
    – HC-VX980 (camcorder)
  2. Olympus announcement on January 6th at 6am London time:
    – Olympus Zuiko 300mm f/4.0 PRO lens with Dual IS


As we have published earlier the Panasonic TZ100 will arrive with a 1 inch sensor and advance core specification that will directly compete with the Canon GXX series cameras and Sony RX100 series camera.;’


The Panasonic TZ80 will feature a 2/3 inch sensor, the compact will feature 30X optical zoom and a EVF and large display unit.


The next big thing is the rumored leaked images of new 100-400mm lens, the lens is set to arrived at CES 2016.

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Panasonic TZ100 Compact Camera With 1 inch Sensor

Panasonic-TZ1000Panasonic is now ready to announce 1″ sensor based compact camera TZ100, the major specification of the camera and images are available now, take a look at more images and specification…

Take a look at the major specification of the camera.

  • 20.1MP 1″ sensor
  • 9.1-91mm f/2.8-5.9 lens (25-250mm equivalent)
  • The official announcement in Europe is on January 5th, 2016

The camera will compete with the available models like Canon G7X. G9X and RX100 M4.  Nikon is also rumored to announce three new pro compact camera with large sensors, you can look at more details here.

Panasonic-TZ100-top-image Panasonic-TZ100-back-imageWill you buy the upcoming TZ1000 camera, do share your thoughts with us.

We have build a amazing buying guide for you, take a look here

Panasonic Resumes Sensor Development – Working on 8K Camera

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source – digicame-info

Panasonic Resumes Sensor Development - Working on 8K Camera


According to a news article published over Nikkei Panasonic sensor development was halted from 2011, finally they are resuming the R&D development and the company putting a effort of $80m to reinvigorate the image sensor business and finally gain more control over the camera market.

One of the most improvement goal of Panasonic is to bring the 8K sensor to consumer level cameras.


From where Panasonic was getting its sensors ?

We have seen so many mirrorless cameras including GH series in the past few years,  but the big question is if Panasonic halted its sensor development from 2011 than who is behind the sensor development of so many cameras announced after 2011…

Share your thoughts with us.

More Signs - Panasonic GM5 Successor is Coming

Panasonic-GM5-imagePanasonic GM5 at B&H

Panasonic GM5 is finally discontinued by Panasonic today, that clears the road of upcoming Panasonic GM6 / GM7 camera. We have already said more than a month ago that the upcoming Panasonic GM7 camera will feature 4K video and we have also published list of expected core specification here.

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