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Firmware Update

No Nikon D3600 - D5700 Coming | Nikon Killed it's Entry Level DSLR Line

Nikon japan tagged Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 as old models on their website. As per the latest reports coming from TechRadar Nikon said

“Nikon Imaging Japan has decided to archive some digital SLR camera models based on market trends. In Japan, the D5600 and D3500 are archived products. The products will continue to be sold in countries and regions other than Japan.”

Later on, they have also added

“We plan to continue selling these products for the time being. For areas other than Japan, we will consider the optimal timing for discontinuation based on the needs of the market and customers.”

Techradar said

 The first is that the decision to archive both cameras in Japan is based on “market trends”. In other words, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll see replacement beginner DSLRs arrive to fill the gap left by the Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600.

The supply chain of Nikon D3500 and Nikon D5600 cameras will remain to continue as per market demand in some specific countries. However, they have archived both the camera and it looks like further development is also halted. Now, as per rumors, we may see mirrorless replacements of both the camera soon,  Nikon Z30 is in the announcement pipeline and we may see it in the next few months.


Nikon Japan Listed Nikon D5600 and Nikon D3500 as Old Products

Nikon Japan listed Nikon D5600 and Nikon D3500 as old products, what does that exactly mean? It’s a clear indication that the replacements are on their way. So, literally, Nikon have two options here,

Nikon DSLR vs Mirrorless in 2021?

Option #1 – Nikon will do a regular update As they did before. Nikon D5700 and Nikon D3600 will arrive in 2021

Option #2 – Nikon will release Nikon Z30 and cannibalizes Nikon’s entry-level DSLR line in favor of Mirrorless cameras.

The scheduled update time of Nikon D5600 was 2020, but Nikon skipped that year. let’s hot this year we will see a perfect replacement of Nikon D5600 as well as Nikon D3500 camera.

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source Nikon

Nikon D3600 Announcement Delayed - Rumor

Based on the scheduled announcement time the Nikon D3600 camera was expected to arrive on August 2020. But, as per the initial set of information surfaced over the web the camera isn’t coming on it’s schedule time.

Exact reason isn’t known yet, most probably due Nikon owns Mirrorless cameras Timelines. As we all know Both DSLR makers these days are busy in the development and announcement of Mirrorless camera and back on December 2018 Canon publicly told that they are into DSLR cannibalization. However, Nikon never told publicly anything about the future camera announcement policy. But, it’s look like Nikon is also running on same path as of Canon.

Delay in Development and Announcement of DSLR Cameras

As we all know that Nikon delayed the announcement of Nikon D750 camera to make space for Nikon Z6 in the market. Users, those who are willing to buy Nikon D750 camera successor, most of them are now getting Nikon Z6 since they don’t have any option left.

Same situation we are facing in APS-C DSLR zone. The scheduled announcement time of Nikon D7500 camera was 2019, but it was delayed to make space of Nikon Z50.

Nikon Z30 – Entry Level Mirrorless Camera from Nikon

We have published rumors related to Nikon Z30 camera a week ago . Niko Z30 camera is said to be a replacement of not only Nikon D3xxx series but also Nikon D5xxx series. More details can be found here. We will update you more once we get more information.

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