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Know Why Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop Banned in Venezuela

Yes, that’s true Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop Banned in Venezuela. US government has just banned Adobe from allowing anyone in Venezuela to use Lightroom, Photoshop. Btw, professional photographers have to face major problems those who have habit of using Lightroom.. That clearly indicates photographers have to look at different options like Capture One Pro or Skylum Luminar.

Why Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop Banned in Venezuela ?

Adobe is following up US executive order issued in August that prohibits trade with the Venezuela. Adobe also updates terms-condition page on their website, take a look what TOS page says about this

The recent Executive Order of the US Government. UU. about Venezuela prohibits almost all transactions and services between US companies and entities and individuals in Venezuela. In order to comply with that order, Adobe will deactivate all accounts in Venezuela on October 29, 2019, with the exception of Behance. Customers who bought their products directly with Adobe will receive a refund before the end of the month for any paid and unpaid license period. We are working for our distributors to act in the same way. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause to our customers. We will share more details on how our operations and activities could be affected to our customers, as they become available.

That’s really isn’t a good thing, artist have no boundaries or religion. Light-room is a important tool for creators, just like a paint brush of modern era.

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