Update Canon finally announced Canon Mirrorless camera EOS M, See the image of the camera below and click here for more details
Update: Canon Mirrorless may arrive on July 23, 2012
Update: Panasonic expects Canon to launch its first Mirrorless system in 2012.
Update: Canon High End Compact Canon G1X announced as expected, now we are waiting for Canon mirrorless system.
Update: In an interview Canon Imaging Rong Said Canon will announce its mirrorless and high End Compacts in 2012.
The Best part of the interview was Canon confirms Mirrorless System is coming in 2012
The Sankei News on MSN Japan is talking about Canon Mirrorless? sankei.jp.msn.com (translated by google) src – digicam-info
Canon’s corporate America, “in Hollywood on November 03” worldwide historic announcement “do” in the subject. Content of the presentation because it was withheld, “or enter the mirror-less at last,” “It’s 4K camera for the film” “machine name of the digital SLR has not been updated for three years,” Eos 5D “but a new model of” and so on, guess is called speculation.The Sankei at MSN Japan is talking about the possibilities of canon new mirrorless system in rest of the article
What canon said about Canon Mirrorless System ?
On July 20, 2010 Canon Masaya Maeda, head of Canon’s camera division, spoke to Reuters and said
“It’s not a question of whether or not you have a mirror. There is a consumer need for good-quality cameras to be made smaller,” Maeda said. “We will meet this need.”
On July 5, 2011 Canon Masaya Maeda, head of Canon’s camera division, spoke to Reuters and said
“We will launch an interesting product next year,” he said, adding that it would be small, but not specifying whether it would be a mirrorless model.”
Next Year? ..We will keep our eyes open for CES 2012
From past few days We are getting some unconfirmed information from New camera readers – According to them the Canon new mirrorless camera / system is coming on November 2011, so wait and watch.
List of Canon Mirrorless Patent
Canon Mirrorless EF Lens Adapter (src – egami)
Canon Mirrorless Mount Patent – (src egami)