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Panasonic Camera Registrations in 2025 - Upcoming Camera Model codes

Panasonic Camera Registrations in 2025 – Upcoming Camera Model codes of Panasonic full-frame and Micro four third format cameras, take a look below at the key points of the article

Key points of the article

  • From the beginning of the year, Panasonic has registered approximately four cameras in the wireless application agency P2307, P2303A, P2305A, and P2306A
  • It seems like the registered model code P2307 is the Panasonic S1R Mark II camera.
  • After doing a little bit of research, we have found that the Panasonic P2303A could be the upcoming Panasonic S1H Mark II camera.
    The registered model codes Panasonic P2305A and P2306A are less certain in terms of being a full-frame camera, so it can be any of the models, including the Lumix LX100 Mark III or a G series model.

Panasonic P2303A – The Panasonic S1 H II

Panasonic registered the P2303AA camera in DEC 2024. It is believed that the 2303A is the S1H Mark II camera, the camera is dedicated to SPEED and not Resolution, just like we have the A7 series in Sony, and we have already seen the high-resolution sensor update from Panasonic the S1R II recently, now it is time for the S1 H Mark II.

Panasonic Confirms they are working on S1H Mark II

Now, in a recent post, we have published an acknowledgment from the Panasonic developer team that they are working on the S1H Mark II camera.
After the announcement of the Panasonic S1R Mark II, the next full-frame camera to be announced is the S1H Mark II.

Panasonic P2306A and P2305A – LX100 III and more…

We are confirmed by the nature of product registration that both of the model codes are mentioned. the P2306A and the P2305A are MFT sensor-based updates, potentially one of them is the LX100 Mark II successor, the LX100 III camera expected to feature 25.2MP Live HYBRID MOS Micro Four Thirds Sensor from the G9 Mark II  & GH7 camera. The other model could be a major update to the Panasonic entry-level line, the G100 II, so we have a huge range of possibilities let’s cross our fingers and wait for good news.

Here is a table summarizing the Panasonic camera model codes based on the provided information:

Model Code Camera Model Sensor Type Status Expected Features / Notes
P2307 Panasonic S1R Mark II 44.3MP Full-Frame Announced High-resolution full-frame camera
P2303A Panasonic S1H Mark II 24MP Full-Frame Confirmed High-end video-centric full-frame camera
P2305A Panasonic LX100 III 25.2MP MFT (Live Hybrid MOS) Confirmed Successor to LX100 II, likely compact MFT
P2306A Panasonic G100 II / Entry-Level Model MFT Sensor Unconfirmed Potential update to G100 series


So, if we sum up all the information, then the Panasonic P2307 is the S1R Mark II camera, which has already been announced and features a 44.3-megapixel full-frame sensor. Now, the next camera on the list is the P2303A, which is expected to be the Panasonic S1H Mark II camera with a 24-megapixel sensor. These two models are almost confirmed. Apart from these two, we do have confirmation from Panasonic itself that they are working on a fixed-lens MFT model camera.

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source E888

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