Hasselblad x-pan camera
We know that Hasselblad recently introduced the Lunar mirrorless camera to the market, Hasselblad rumored to announce two new Compact and a DSLR / Mirrorless Cameras by the End of the Year, Take a look at the Latest Job listing at Hasselblad’s website
We have set extremely high targets for 2013 with planned releases of at 3 new cameras and supporting camera accessories, and we need more talent to help us on this exciting journey.
+1 more job listing at Hasselblad
src- hasselblad.com | Via – PR
Does this picture represent anything?? It does kind of make me think of an Xpro1 from Fujifilm… considering that Fujifilm built all their Medium format stuff it would seem to make sense that the build them a re-skinned version of one of their X series cameras … now if Hasselblad was smart they would skip the current crop and go right for a version of the Next Xpro…. they could make it more ugly and charge $10,000…. but at least it should be a decent camera….