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Firmware Update

Panasonic GH4 vs 5D Mark III - High ISO Test

We know that its not fair to compare a M4/3 sensor camera with a Fullframe sensor camera, but recently a comparison done by camerazone shows that Panasonic GH4 is a better option for videoshooters compared to (see the test here),

So the big question is Will GH4 also give better performance during still shots? and the answer is NO… take a look at the test below.. the image samples of Canon 5D Mark III look impressive even at High ISO images when compared to Panasonic GH4.


Image – Credit

We can clearly see the amount of details available in Canon 5D Mark III DSLR, no doubt that 5D Mark III is best still shooting camera compared to Panasonic GH4.

Buy Canon 5D Mark III From Amazon||  Buy Panasonic GH4  at  Amazon| from B&H

Sony A7s More HIGH ISO Test Images

Few More HIGH ISO Test images of Sony A7s surfaced over the web today, this time again the firmware remains same as previous test – version 0.01 (testing phase firmware),  but the best part is we have many samples starting from ISO 1600 to ISO 409600.


The image slot of ISO 6400 is very neat and clean  and no noise is visible… everything looks fine and perfect.

Continue reading Sony A7s More HIGH ISO Test Images

Nikon D610 vs Canon 6D - High ISO Test

High ISO test of Nikon D610 and Canon 6D, both are entry level fullframe camera, Nikon D610 is Just announced by Nikon that replaces the faulty Nikon D600 camera, Canon 6D is over a year old.


Nikon D610 image look bit underexposed when compared to Canon 6D at same ISO level, the color noise level of Nikon D610 is bit high.


The JPEG output of Canon 6D is really very clean when you compare it with the Nikon D610 DSLR, the Canon 6D DIGIC 5+ Image Processor noise reduction algorithm works very effectively even at High ISO range.

Also take a look at….

Canon 6D vs Nikon D610 at DxOMark Lab – The other most important thing is the Canon 6D score is lower than Nikon D610 according to DxO,


The DxOMark have generally gives low score to Canon cameras and I don’t know the real reason behind that, but let’s assume that even if a camera giving cleaner JPEG only (that’s DxO says about Canon camera) compared to its competitor then they should include a different Column in the table that will show the JEPG / RAW test score separately.

Buy Canon 6D at Amazon || Nikon D610 at Amazon

Image Credit:

Nikon D3300 vs Canon 700D / T5i

Nikon D3300 vs Canon 700D / T5i High ISO test images, Nikon D3300 have bit more details and less noise compared to Canon 700D / T5i, since Nikon removed the low pass filter we can clearly see improvement in the image sensor performance Nikon-D3300-vs-700D-12800


Continue reading Nikon D3300 vs Canon 700D / T5i

Nikon D4s vs Nikon D4 - High ISO Test

Nikon D4s High ISO test images now surfaced over the web, the D4s supports High ISO upto 409600 and features newly developed sensor with Expeed 4 image processor which is approx 30% faster than the previous Expeed 3 processor


Does Nikon D4s images look bit soft at 100% when compared to Nikon D4 at lower ISO range.

I really appreciate the effort made by Nikon to boost the ISO range to a next level, but when I see at comparison images taken at ISO 1600, the Nikon D4s noise reduction filter look bit strong compared to Nikon D4  DSLR filter, and as a result we can clearly see less noise + bit less details in the image samples. The Nikon D4s images look bit softer than the Nikon D4 images.


As we can see the effect of strong  NR filter / new  sensor / new image processor  the image of Nikon D4s have less color noise in it.

more images available here –

Sony RX10 vs Sony RX100 M2 - High ISO TEST

We have already done a specification comparison review between these camera,  now its time for HIGH ISO TEST, take a look below

Sony-RX10-vs-RX100-M2-HIGH-Both camera showing almost same Image quality but if we look closely the image quality of RX100 M2 is bit better since the M2 since it have bit (F1.8 vs F2.8) better aperture  at wide end. Hence the RX100 M2 sensor get more light compared to RX10.

Also see specification comparison review here

Buy Sony RX10 from Amazon || Buy Sony RX100 M2 from Amazon

image credit -imagine resource

High ISO Test - Canon 1DX vs Nikon D4 vs Nikon DF

We have arranged some HIGH ISO samples of all the flagship full-frame DSLR, as we all know that Nikon D4 and DF shares same sensor so the overall image quality of both the camera is almost same, but at ISO 51200 the Nikon DF image is showing bit more color noise compared to D4. Canon 1DX is also showing very good image quality during HIGH ISO test.

Canon-1DX-vs-Nikon-D4-vs-1 Continue reading High ISO Test – Canon 1DX vs Nikon D4 vs Nikon DF