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Firmware Update

Canon RF Mount Mirrorless Camera with Cooling Vents - Patent Spotted

Canon is planning to introduce a Canon RF Mount Mirrorless camera with cooling vents. But what will happen when the dust will clog this fan inside our camera?  since it’s very difficult to disassemble and clean, a clogged motor of the fan will generate more heat when it’s unable to run resulting negative impact on the cooling system of the camera.

Samsung phones were earlier using liquid cooling tech for S-series smartphones but returned to vapor chamber cooling, S22 ultra uses vapor chamber cooling tech,  and for s22 ultra Samsung also developed a new thermal paste Gel-TIM which transfers heat 3.5X faster than the conventional paste. they should approach smartphone makers to make a better internal cooling unit.

Patent Details

The front opening of the vents of the camera.

Rear side vents for air intake

Image of the fan inside the camera body.

Canon already has a solution for cinema cameras like Canon R5c, but it looks like the above vent are more compact and designed for upcoming full-frame mirrorless cameras like the Canon R6 Mark II or Canon R5 Mark II.

The Canon way of cooling

Canon R5C does have a cooling fan inside, similar to the patent above

But, again we have no access to the fan health, and once it gets nasty we have to go to the nearest canon service center.

The Fuji way of cooling a camera

Fuji knows they have very limited service centers around the globe, so they have taken the best path.

The Best way to cool down a camera, add an external fan like Fuji. So, we can replace the fan if the fan gets damaged due to dust or water.

Also, see – Best Lenses for Canon R7

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source Northlight Images UK

Canon Germany on Viltrox RF Lenses Ban ? [continued...]

Canon Germany just issued an official statement – The interview was published on The German site Photografix Magazine

Take a look at what Canon Germany said about the Viltrox lens ban

SHENZHEN JUEYING TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD, manufactures autofocus lenses for Canon RF mounts under the brand name “Viltrox”. Canon believes that these products infringe their patent and design rights and has therefore requested the company to stop all activities that infringe Canon’s intellectual property rights.

Canon Germany believes that third-party lens makers Viltrox infringe on their patent and design rights.

TNC takes – Whatever has happened right now, it makes the entire situation very clear Canon doesn’t want third-party lens makers to make RF Lenses. No issue exists with other brands such as Nikon, Sony, and Fuji. Such, a decision will impact Canon growing consumer base.

Also, see – Best Lenses for Canon R7

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source PhotogragixMag | Via

Canon R6 Mark II Uses 24MP Stacked Sensor

According to the latest rumors, the Canon R6 Mark II camera uses 24MP Full-Frame Stacked BSI CMOS Sensor. The same sensor we have seen in the Canon R6 camera. The prototypes of the camera are already in the test.  (before putting a new camera on the production line camera makers do test several prototypes). So, finally, we will see a budget Canon R3 camera in near future.

Both Canon R5 and Canon R6 cameras were announced on 09 July 2020, it’s a bit too early to expect a Canon R6 Mark II camera. As far as I know, Canon. In the DSLR era, they generally keep approx 3 to 4 years of gap in between the updates of full-frame bodies.

Canon Full Frame DSLR camera update pattern

Canon 6D – 17 September 2012

Canon 6D Mark II – 29-Jun-2017

Canon 5D Mark III – 02-Mar-2012

Canon 5D Mark IV – 25 August 2016

Canon R5 and Canon R6 – 09 July 2020

Canon R5 and Canon R6 – Sometime in 2024  (as per the previous update pattern of the DSLR era)

Canon is more aggressive now?

After the announcement of the Canon R10 and Canon R7, it’s very clear that Canon has now become more aggressive and they are putting up the best core specs they have in the possible price range for their users, obviously to eat the Mirrorless market share.

Canon R6 Mark II Update will arrive, but when…

It looks like Canon EOS R3 sales have reached their max limit, Canon R3 was announced back on Sep 2021. The shipping of the camera started on November 26, 2021. Now, Canon wants to increase its pro-consumer base more (as usual), and those who were unable to purchase the Canon R3 camera due to its Price will get an option in the form of the Canon R6 mark II.

Since they are testing R6 Mark II prototypes in Sep of 2022 as per rumors we have, The official announcement of the camera may happen between Feb to June of 2023., if everything goes on schedule inside Canon.

We will post an update if we get the leaked images and specifications of the upcoming Canon R6 Mark II camera.

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source howtofly twitter

Canon Working on Foldable Display Vlogging Cameras

A recent, Canon patent surfaced over the web, yearly spot their team working on a foldable display-based interchangeable lens vlogging camera.  The concept is new, and if they can announce it as a product, undoubtedly vloggers will love the large display-based cameras. As you can see the camera has an integrated viewfinder also, a compact Mirrorless design just like we have the Canon M6 Mark II camera.

As you can see we have a two-fold concept design, the camera display screen unfolds itself on the right side first then to the top.

As per the custom function, the camera can zoom in on the face of the tracked person automatically in a large portion of the display unit.

See more interesting Canon Vlogging Cameras

Canon Vlogging Camera Patents we have published in the past

1. Canon Patent New Vlogging Camera Update [More Designs]

2. Canon Future Vlogging Compacts Camera Patent

We will post an update soon as we get any new information about the upcoming camera.

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SOurce NorthLightImages

Canon RF 24mm F1.8 MACRO IS STM Review

According to one of the first reviews of the Canon RF24mm F1.8 Lens, the lens is exceptionally sharp and has very high resolving power.

Canon RF 24mm F1.8  Review

  • The first feature is its size. Compact and lightweight with a size of 74.4 (maximum diameter) x 63.1 (length) mm and a weight of approximately 270g. All of the manufacturer’s genuine 24mm/F1.8 lenses are over 70mm in length and weigh more than 300-400g. should be understood.
  • In terms of functionality, the main feature is that it supports half-macro shooting with a maximum shooting magnification of 0.5x. The shortest shooting distance is 0.14m, and it is possible to get close to the subject as close as 4.2cm from the front of the lens.
  • What I felt was “more than I expected” was the high resolution. In all of the examples, longitudinal chromatic aberration before and after the focal point is relatively well suppressed, resulting in very sharp image quality. As expected, the outline of the bokeh may remain colored, but considering the size, it can be said that the lens has excellent resolution.
  • When the camera’s peripheral illumination correction is turned on, the peripheral illumination falloff is greatly improved even when the aperture is open. However, when the blue sky enters the screen, there are times when the amount of light falloff is a concern even when using peripheral illumination correction.
  • Since the lens is based on electronic correction, distortion is suppressed by correction on the camera side. It seems that it is designed to give a natural impression as a photograph by leaving a little aberration.
  • It is not very strong against backlight, and ghosts and flares occur when there is a strong light source such as the sun on the screen.
  • AF was a speedy operation. Since it uses a gear-type STM, there is a certain amount of drive noise and focus breathing), but I felt that the AF performance was sufficient for still image shooting.
  • When the aperture is wide open, the effects of astigmatism can be seen. It is not completely suppressed at f/2.8 and is almost eliminated at f/4. In order to take high-quality astrophotography up to the periphery, it will be necessary to stop down a little.
  • The “RF24mm F1.8 MACRO IS STM” is a wide-angle, single-focal lens packed with the goodness of the standard type. Despite its compact size and light weight of 63.1mm in length and weight of approximately 270g, it has high resolution, including when shooting macro, and you can enjoy the image quality of a single focal length lens with ease. – Read the Full Review and images here

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Canon Vlogging Camera Coming with 4k 60p mode and more...

According to the latest rumors coming from rumor mills, rumor Canon is about to announce a new vlogging style camera coming on or before November 2022. as per rumored specifications, the camera is able to shoot 4K videos up to 60fps (usable up to 4K 60fps) and also has some 4K 120fps mode (with limitation). The design of the camera is a bit different, as per the sources of the rumor mill it does have a new kind of var-angle display screen.

Canon already has multiple Vlogging concept cameras in the lab, the upcoming camera is about to feature the same M6 Mark II camera type of design as you can see in the image above.

Although we have published several patents on Canon’s dedicated vlogging camera in the past, take a look.

Canon Vlogging Camera Patents we have published in the past

1. Canon Patent New Vlogging Camera Update [More Designs]

More on this

2. Canon Future Vlogging Compacts Camera Patent

We will post an update soon as we get any new information about the upcoming camera.

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source canonrumor

Canon R100 More Confirmation

We are getting more confirmation on arrival Canon R100 camera.  According to the latest press reports coming out from Japan, The Canon R10 is not a Canon Kiss Series Camera, just like we have the Canon xxD series in DSLRs (60D, 70D, 80D, and 90D) all have the same name worldwide, in the same fashion R10 (Rxx) will have the same name, no change.

Models below Canon xxD Series renamed as Kiss camera in Japan,  as you can see in the table below

1. Canon Entry Level Camera Names Worldwide

EOS 1300D/Rebel T6/Kiss X80 (discontinued)
EOS 1500D/EOS 2000D/Rebel T7/Kiss X90
EOS 100D/Rebel SL1/Kiss X7 (discontinued)
EOS 200D/Rebel SL2/Kiss X9
EOS 250D/Rebel SL3/Kiss X10
EOS 750D/Rebel T6i/Kiss X8i
EOS 760D/Rebel T6s/8000D
EOS 800D/Rebel T7i/Kiss X9i
EOS 850D/Rebel T8i/Kiss X10i
Canon EOS M50 Mark II / Kiss M2

2. Canon R100 Coming

So, we will soon have a new range of Canon EOS R Kiss series Mirrorless range in near future, which will include the Canon R100 camera too. We are the first website to broke news about the Canon R100 camera, you can see more details about Canon R100 here and here

According to Japanese tech mag

The appearance and the impression when gripping were also close to “EOS Kiss X90”. They may have the same mount diameter.

Since the EOS Kiss M series equipped with an APS-C size sensor is alive as an active model, it was difficult to attach “Kiss” here, or “Kiss” is a product name only in Japan (not used overseas) For some reason, I don’t know if it’s a policy not to use it in the future, or if Kiss R will appear at some point, but when I asked the person in charge at the product launch, it’s a bit serious to name it Kiss.

Indeed, it is solid in terms of performance and feels like a higher level than Kiss. On the Canon website, it is positioned as a middle class rather than an entry.

Stay with us we will post more updates soon

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