Luminous-landscape written a very informative article on DSLR unexpected ISO behavior, Major camera manufacturers DSLRs are silently increasing the ISO without photographer’s knowledge. The data for whole analysis is given by DxO lab.
The above graph show the light loss at the sensor for different Canon and Nikon cameras when using a f/1.4 lens. For example the Canon EOS5D has -0.25 the D3s has -0.30 EV light loss…click on the image to see the larger version. In order to compensate for this light loss and produce correctly exposed images, camera manufacturers are compensating by silently increasing the ISO.
DxO just completed the test of Sony SLT A33, Sony SLT A55 and Pentax Kr camera, Sony SLT A55 is clear winner of APS-C format camera. Nikon D90 stands on 2nd and canon 550D stand on 21 🙁 Click here to view at DxO website
Some people asked me to do these tests who are going to get the 60D, and some people told me to upload my previous tests in HD. Hope you guys happy this video test.
I recorded originally at 1080p 25p and that got 495Mb file and when i upload it, Vimeo says 13hrs to finish that upload. Then its not possible with my internet connection and i downres to 720p. and you can download the file also.
(HD 720p is pretty enough to judge these kinda tests)
I used no any color correction there, just rendered original Video came out with the cam. and colors are the same as the original file .
All the Camera settings mentioned there and Hope you enjoy this . .
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