The scheduled announcement period of Canon G17 is already passed, yes we do have a G7X camera and its core specification look similar to rumored Canon G17 leaked specification published on March 2014, and surprisingly the size and shape look similar to a S series compact camera… So does Canon merged both the compact camera line into one or we will see a new G17 or Canon S series camera in future? Time will tell…
In my view even if Canon planning to announce G17 camera in future they have only 1 options left… they have to use Sony made Canon G7X 1 inch sensor in upcoming G17 camera (instead of traditional 12 MP 1/1.7″ CMOS Sensor) by adding extensive manual control, hot-shoe, OVF and Vari-angle screen, a better lens… I promise you that I will bring some concrete information related to G17 in the next few days.. till STAY WITH ON FACEBOOK | TWITTER | GOOGLE+ to get live news + rumors 24X7+
Update: Good news – According to the representatives of Canon, Canon G7X is not a successor of Canon G16 camera. So we do have hope that we will see Canon G17 in near future, no arrival date confirmed yet but Canon is preparing for a big bunch of product announcement in Feb, month.
I wonder, will this be the same camera that was mentioned on the Canon Netherlands website? The one they said would be small with a big sensor and and big zoom. I can’t see how they can have a big zoom in a small camera with the 1″ sensor. Whatever it is I hope they give it a built in viewfinder that is accurate and displays some basic shooting information. I find the viewfinder in my G15 next to useless because it is not accurate and does not show the focus point, aperture and shutter speed.
May be yes…. Thanks for your input.
Thanks Admin. I’m looking forward to hearing what you what you’ve discoverd about the G17.
today is the 14.11.2014. 5 days? Any news?