According to latest rumors surfaced over the Web, Canon 1DX Mark II is expected to arrive in 2016, the camera will arrive with a new sensor and advance DIGIC 7 image processor, the announcement date is also depend upon the arrive of Nikon D5 DSLR, take this rumor as grain of salt.
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src – CR.com
… and a new shutter system.
Share the knowledge you have, what type of shutter system… ? and any other specification…
Waiting for 1DX Mk II
Photographe de sport, mode, portrait, book photo dans le Var a Toulon je travail actuellement en studio et a l exterieur avec le Canon 1dx qui est un vrai bijou de technologie et qui me permet de donner une entière satisfaction a mes clients.
Du coup j attend avec impatience la sortie prochaine du canon 1Dx II et découvrir ses fonctionnalités.
Translated text ——————————————-
Sports photographer , fashion , portrait, photo book in the Var in Toulon I currently work in the studio and outside al with the Canon 1DX which is a real jewel of technology and which allows me to give full satisfaction to my clients.
So I looked forward to the upcoming release of the barrel 1Dx II and discover its features
Michel – http://www.r1980.com/photographe-de-sport/