According to the latest rumors surfaced from reputed rumor mills, the Panasonic S1R Mark II camera announcement date is now confirmed, and it is said to arrive in February 2025. The camera will share the same core specifications we have already seen in the Leica SL3 camera. That means it will carry forward the same 60-megapixel BSI CMOS sensor and 8K video capabilities.
Panasonic S1R Mark II Core Specification
- 60MP Full-Frame BSI CMOS Sensor
- Hybrid AF System with PDAF & Contrast AF
- 5-Axis Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization
- 5.76m-Dot 0.78x-Mag. EyeRes OLED EVF
- 3.2″ 2.3m-Dot Tilting Touchscreen LCD
- 8K, C8K, 4K, C4K & FHD 10-Bit Recording
- ProRes 1080p & Apple MFi Support
- CFexpress Type B & SD UHS-II Card Slots
Collaboration – Panasonic X Capture One – Panasonic has just collaborated to announce the S1R Mark 2 camera with Capture One. Capture One is industry-leading RAW editing software, so they have collaborated to bring out the maximum from the upcoming S1R Mark 2 camera.
One more Camera announcement is Due on April 2025
There is one more that Panasonic will be announcing a new camera in April 2025. The source of the rumor mill suggests is a very unique camera, although, after the Panasonic S1R Mark II update, we are waiting for the Panasonic S1H Mark II camera. Stay tuned, more updates coming.
We will publish more details very soon as we get any new updates.
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source SAR YT
Although is a great news, I feel the camera won’t be received with so much enthusiasm as it should have been out already 1-2 years ago. Too slow from Panasonic to announce this.