Second teaser image of Hasselblad upcoming camera published at Facebook today. From the image we can see that camera Jog-dial button on the top of the camera.

I can confirm from the facebook post tags that the camera manufacturing unit is located inside Sweden and ucoming camera will have Medium format Sensor. We can speculate now the upcoming Camera is world first Medium Format mirrorless camera or may be compact camera, however we have to wait and watch.
Click here to see the live streaming of June 22nd Hasselblad world First Medium format Mirrorless Camera Announcement
Update – Hasselblad X1D Image Leaked

We have told earlier you you that Hasselblad is going to announce Medium-format mirrorless camera today. Petapixel leaked the images of the upcoming camera and also confirmed that the upcoming camera from Hasselblad name is Hasselblad X1D.

You can look at images of the camera without lens, the Medium-format sensor look gigantic, however Hasselblad managed to maintain sleek and flat design of the camera.
The price of the camera is expected to be around $8k and the official announcement is within next few hours.
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source – Hasselblad FacebookPage