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Firmware Update

Nikon Zf Coming with High Resolution Mode

According to the latest set of rumors, the Nikon ZF camera features a high-resolution mode. At the moment, what we know about the high-resolution mode in Nikon is adding  High-Res Zoom Mode in 4k 24p videos and not the traditional sensor shift IBIS-based HR Mode which was first introduced by Pentax K- 3II in APS-C DSLRs and is now most used by Sony Alpha cameras. Recently, Nikon updated the Z9 camera with a firmware 3.0 update, and furthermore, speed settings were added to HR mode in the 4.0 update, However, this is completely different from the higher resolution mode that we generally see in Sony cameras with a sensor-shift image stabilization system. So, we have to wait for further confirmation about this feature.

One more thing that rumor mills are talking about is the presence of dual card slots in the camera. This is not a new thing for us as we have already discussed it. We have been reported about different types of prototypes of the Nikon ZF camera – one that carries a higher resolution sensor with a single card slot and the other that we are discussing right now and is expected to be approved for the production line with a 25-megapixel CMOS sensor and dual card slots.

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