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Nikon New Patent - Movable Half-mirror SLR

Nikon New design to get the best of both worlds.

Patent Details

  • Patent Publication No. 2011-28177
    • published 2011/02/10
    • filled 2009/07/29
  • The half-mirror
    • The part of divided light is for the OVF
    • The another light is for the imager
    • It generates ghosts
  • The mode of single capture
    • The photographer decides composition in OVF or back-LCD
    • At the exposure
      • The mirror is up
      • It closes the finder eye piece to prevent the reverse incidence
  • The mode of continuous capture
    • The photographer decides composition in OVF or back-LCD
    • At the exposure
      • The mirror is not up
      • The half-mirror decreases a picture quality
      • It revives a picture quality by image processing
      • The photographer can use the OVF for the whole continuous capture
  • The mode of movie type1
    • The mirror is up
    • It closes the finder eye piece to prevent the reverse incidence
    • The photographer decides composition in back-LCD only
    • The photographer can use the function of AF for the whole movie capture
  • The mode of movie type2
    • The mirror is not up
    • The photographer decides composition in OVF or back-LCD
    • The photographer can use the function of AF for the whole movie capture
    • The half-mirror decreases a picture quality
    • It revives a picture quality by image processing
    • The photographer can use the OVF for the whole continuous capture


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