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Nikon Closed Sendai (Japan) Production Unit, and Concentrates on Thai factory

Nikon closed its Japanese Camera production plant to reduce overall manufacturing cost, Now only the Thai production plant is active. As we reported earlier also Nikon is dealing with big financial loss this year. Now as per the report coming from AERAdot (Japanese news mag) Nikon is bout the end of Nikon’s domestic camera production which was running for more than 70 years.

Nikon Closed Sendai (Japan) Production Unit

Few important parts of the news  (Translated from Japanese)

  • At last, Nikon will end the domestic production of camera bodies that has continued for more than 70 years. Until now, body manufacturing has been carried out at “Sendai Nikon” in Miyagi Prefecture and “Nikon Thailand (NTC)” in Thailand, but in order to reduce costs, it will be concentrated at the Thai factory.
  • Production of the mirrorless cameras Z 7 and Z 6 was completed at the end of September, and preparations for the transfer of production to Thailand began in October. Production of the D6 digital SLR will also be transferred to Thailand by the end of 2021.
  • Founded in 1971, Sendai Nikon is located in Natori City, which borders the south of Sendai City. Production of single-lens reflex cameras began with EM (released in 1979), nicknamed “Little Nikon,” and gradually shifted to production of high-end models. It has also played a role as a “mother factory” that provides technical guidance to overseas production factories.
  • Sendai Nikon will continue to play an important role in camera production

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Also see:  The best lenses for Nikon Z50

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