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Canon Patent - Advance Heat Sink Unit

Canon patent heat sink unit

Canon working on a new type of heat dispense / Sink unit, you can see the structure of Canon hand grip that appears on the patent document shows as a dedicated heat sink unit inside. That will manage the heat produced by the camera body itself to avoid the over heating condition.

The new type of Heat sink system can be used in upcoming Canon 1DX Mark III or Canon 5D Mark V camera. Also see Canon Advance Display patent

Canon Patent

Patent document is completely new and published on 2017 June

With the ever changing demand in the photography industry. It is required to develop more secure heat sink system, earlier heat sink system was developed with the context of still shooting in the DSLR. But nowadays DSLR being used as multipurpose cameras, they also record 4K videos and at the same time with the help of dual pixel CMOS autofocusing system they keep track of subject all the time, so for all this activity requires very heavy amount of processing inside the camera and in-turn there’s a lot of heat generated by the image Digic processors, that should be managed by the camera system inside

More details after the break

Canon patent docsource

1 comment to Canon Patent – Advance Heat Sink Unit

  • jack parsons

    This idea would be great on the next canon astronomical camera the replacement to the 60da which we are still waiting for.

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