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By admin, on July 20th, 2011
Two New Nikon FX bodies will be announced by the end of August, According to a Nikon Rumor Reader, a recent Nikon-authorized dealer event revealed some details about the Nikon D700 and D3s replacements.
Now, as you can imagine, everybody asked for the D700 and D3 replacement schedule. Here is what the Nikon rep said: “Two new FX bodies will be announced by the end of August. Availability in Fall.” Even though the rep wasn’t explicit about which current cameras are going to be replaced, it was quite clear they were talking about “old body designs” (guess D700 and D3). Nevertheless, the two FX cameras will be aimed at different customers who have different needs: one camera for “expert” photographers, the other for “pro” photographers. Technical spec and form factors will be significantly different as well.
So the finally the two new FX format bodies coming on end of Aug 2011 will have significantly different specs, with one aimed at pro photographers and the other for experts.
In the event Nikon rep also explained that after Japanese earthquake on March 11, New production plant in Malaysia was opened up with most machines and employees moved there. The facility is now producing camera and lenses.
Read more: Canon and Nikon Major announcement in August 2011? || Nikon D4 and D900 Rumor Update
By admin, on June 3rd, 2011
Nikon D4/D400/D800 information in Swedish restaurant, Rumor was posted by a new dpreview forum user in Nikon Compact Camera section and same user emailed the same crap to nikonrumors,
‘New Camera Take‘ 🙂 “I have heard most of Nikon D4/D400/D800 information in Japanese restaurant.” It may be true but D4/D800 /D etc.., Specification in a Swedish restaurant??… Share your thought with us??
Japanese Swedish Restaurant Rumor (in Details Below)
I have heard most of Nikon D4/D400/D800 information in Swedish restaurant. They are two, i believe Nikon employer and the other were slightly looking photographer, cause he have large camerabag closely to her. They speaked an conversation of Nikon general and i have writed my memo of the speaked specifications to my Ipad, i sit in distance of they and heard all important information. After that i writed that document based the specifications they said in dinnertable. This is shortened version having only D4 specifications. Full version is sent to some rumor sites. Believe or not, i don’t even believe they by myself. Here the document…..
Nikon D4 Specification
Sensor: 18 Megapixel full size CMOS sensor (Bayer type or new type 1-layer sensor which do not have Bayer filter but anyway needs three pixels to create any color. This new type will be better at high sensitivies)
Sensor made by: Nikon…..
Sensor filtering: Nothing (IR and AA filters are detachable and they are in detachable lens
mount module)
And that lens mount module: Detachable and including two filter slots for carrying example
of Anti-Aliasation and Infrared filters or what you want to mount over your sensor?
Detachable lens mount module is also useful for easy cleaning of sensor and prism too….. (personally i don’t want any aliasation to make photo unsharp while i can remove moire in photo manipulation or unuseful light decreasing traditional fysical IR filter, cause i prefer to remove IR frequences directly from sensor if i don’t want IR pictures)
Prism: Standard moving prism with Multi-Shot mode (more than 1 exposures in 1 prism move, user selectable number of exposures around 1-12 exposures, except over 12 frames/sec its mininum of 2)
Dynamic range: Over 16 F-Stops
Sensitivity: 100-409600 ISO (Boost 25, 50, 819200 and even the unbelievable 1638400) (IQ* over 5 stops better than D3s, personally i will not believe that, sounds impossible)
Autofocus sensor: 201 points MultiCAM-5000FX (all points cross type, huh) or it’s possible AF can be a completely new type? That AF systems have many AF-servo features like 1DmkIV…..
Light metering: New type 18 Megapixel light metering sensor (this is a surprise!)
Shooting modes: P,A,S,M,PM,AM,SM (in PM,AM and SM you can manually set what shutter speed and aperture ranges program can be use. Example PM 1/20-1/500sec and apertures f/2.8-8 while the lens itself can be use aperture from f/1.4 to f/22 (example). Shortly you can set what speeds and apertures can be used in program. And now Automatic ISO is allowed to use in all metering modes even in the full manual.)
Shutter speeds: 60-1/16000sec, Bulb, Time (probably metal shutter rated over million exposures)
Shutter lag: 20ms
Framerate: 12 frames/sec (18 frames/sec in Multi-Shot mode)
Camera buffer: Over 4 Gigabytes
Video recording: 30frames/sec UHD 3840x2160p & HD 1920x1080p quality AVCHD video
Flash sync: Up to 1/250sec X-sync and Nikon High Speed Sync up to 1/16000sec
Infrared sensitivity range: Up to 900Nm for full Infrared photography compatibility
Infrared sensitivity range set: You can manually set what red sensitivity range the sensor records. Eg. you can take genuine Infrared pictures without using any filter with sensor by setting the red sensitivity range to example of 650-900Nm. And you can take standard pictures simply by set the max red sensitivity to Around 550Nm. Its highly possible the camera have an own standard mode in the menu for easy setting to no IR senzitisation.
Memory: Two CompactFlash card slots and one standard USB3.0 port on the camera right side for moving the photos and videos to memory stick or hard disk or shooting to them directly
Other features:
Autofocus and Light metering servo features
Additionally the old AI/AI-S lens connectors for metering
In camera moire remove feature while shooting samelike as noise remove (Off, Lo, Md, Hi)
Integrated grip
Thunderbolt High Speed I/O
Integrated GPS
Integrated Wi-Fi for uploading pictures, remote controllers, setting cameras settings from computer, for flash controlling etc…..
New user and menu interfaces
Shutter release now selectable for any user set button
The camera uses new 3500mAh ENX-1 Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery
Weight: Around 1400g without battery, memory card or body cap
Release date: 4th quarter of 2011 or 1st quarter of 2012Price: ?
Nikon D400 Specification
Sensor: 24 Megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor (Bayer type or new type 1-layer sensor which do not have Bayer filter but anyway needs three pixels to create any color. This new type will be better at high sensitivies)
Sensor made by: Nikon…..
Sensor filtering: Nothing (IR and AA filters are detachable and they are in a detachable lens
mount module)
And that lens mount module: Detachable and including two filter slots for carrying example of Anti-Aliasation and Infrared filters or what you want to mount over your sensor? Detachable lens mount module is also useful for easy cleaning of sensor and prism too….. (personally i don’t want any aliasation to make photo unsharp while i can remove moire in photo manipulation or unuseful light decreasing traditional fysical IR filter, cause i prefer to remove IR frequences directly from sensor if i don’t want IR pictures)
Prism: Standard moving prism with Multi-Shot mode (more than 1 exposures in 1 prism move, user selectable number of exposures around 1-9 exposures, 1-12 with grip and ENX-1 battery)
Dynamic range: Over 14 F-Stops
Sensitivity: 100-51200 ISO (Boost 50, 102400, 204800, 409600) (IQ* over 2 stops better than D3s)
Autofocus sensor: 201 points MultiCAM-5000DX (all points cross type, huh) or it’s possible AF can be a completely new type? That AF systems have many AF-servo features like 1DmkIV…..
Light metering: New type 24 Megapixel light metering sensor (this is a surprise!)
Exposure modes: P,A,S,M,PM,AM,SM (in PM,AM and SM you can manually set what shutter speed and aperture ranges program can be use. Example of PM-mode. 1/20-1/500sec and apertures f/2.8-8 while the lens itself can be use aperture from f/1.4 to f/22 (example). Shortly you can set what speeds and apertures can be used in program. And now Automatic ISO is allowed to use in all metering modes even in the full manual.)
Shutter: Focal plane shutter with speeds from 60sec to 1/16000sec, Bulb, Time (probably metal shutter rated over million exposures)
Shutter lag: 20ms
Framerate: 9 frames/sec (12 frames/sec with new MB-D20 battery grip and ENX-1 battery)
Camera buffer: Over 4 Gigabytes
Video recording: 30frames/sec UHD 3840x2160p & HD 1920x1080p quality AVCHD video
Flash sync: Up to 1/250sec X-sync and Nikon High Speed Sync up to 1/16000sec
Infrared sensitivity range: Up to 900Nm for full Infrared photography compatibility
Infrared sensitivity range set: You can manually set what red sensitivity range the sensor records. Eg. you can take genuine Infrared pictures without using any filter with sensor by setting the
red sensitivity range to example of 650-900Nm. And you can take standard pictures simply by set the max red sensitivity to Around 550Nm. Its highly possible the camera have an
own standard mode in the menu for easy setting to no IR senzitisation.
Memory: Two CompactFlash card slots and one standard USB3.0 port on the camera right side for moving the photos and videos to memory stick or hard disk or shooting to them directly
Other features:
Autofocus and Light metering servo features
Additionally the old AI/AI-S lens connectors for metering
In camera moire remove feature while shooting samelike as noise remove (Off, Lo, Md, Hi)
Thunderbolt High Speed I/O
Integrated GPS
Integrated Wi-Fi for uploading pictures, remote controllers, setting cameras settings from computer, for flash controlling etc…..
The camera uses new 2500mAh ENX-10 Lithium Polymer battery
New user and menu interfaces
Shutter release now selectable for any user set button
Weight: Around 1000g without battery, memory card or body cap
Release date: 4th quarter of 2011 or 1st quarter of 2012
Price: ?
Nikon D4 Specification
Sensor: 18 Megapixel full size CMOS sensor (Bayer type or new type 1-layer sensor which do not have Bayer filter but anyway needs three pixels to create any color. This new type will be better at high sensitivies)
Sensor made by: Nikon…..
Sensor filtering: Nothing (IR and AA filters are detachable and they are in detachable lens
mount module)
And that lens mount module: Detachable and including two filter slots for carrying example
of Anti-Aliasation and Infrared filters or what you want to mount over your sensor?
Detachable lens mount module is also useful for easy cleaning of sensor and prism too….. (personally i don’t want any aliasation to make photo unsharp while i can remove moire in photo manipulation or unuseful light decreasing traditional fysical IR filter, cause i prefer to remove IR frequences directly from sensor if i don’t want IR pictures)
Prism: Standard moving prism with Multi-Shot mode (more than 1 exposures in 1 prism move, user selectable number of exposures around 1-12 exposures, except over 12 frames/sec its mininum of 2)
Dynamic range: Over 16 F-Stops
Sensitivity: 100-409600 ISO (Boost 25, 50, 819200 and even the unbelievable 1638400) (IQ* over 5 stops better than D3s, personally i will not believe that, sounds impossible)
Autofocus sensor: 201 points MultiCAM-5000FX (all points cross type, huh) or it’s possible AF can be a completely new type? That AF systems have many AF-servo features like 1DmkIV…..
Light metering: New type 18 Megapixel light metering sensor (this is a surprise!)
Shooting modes: P,A,S,M,PM,AM,SM (in PM,AM and SM you can manually set what shutter speed and aperture ranges program can be use. Example PM 1/20-1/500sec and apertures f/2.8-8 while the lens itself can be use aperture from f/1.4 to f/22 (example). Shortly you can set what speeds and apertures can be used in program. And now Automatic ISO is allowed to use in all metering modes even in the full manual.)
Shutter speeds: 60-1/16000sec, Bulb, Time (probably metal shutter rated over million exposures)
Shutter lag: 20ms
Framerate: 12 frames/sec (18 frames/sec in Multi-Shot mode)
Camera buffer: Over 4 Gigabytes
Video recording: 30frames/sec UHD 3840x2160p & HD 1920x1080p quality AVCHD video
Flash sync: Up to 1/250sec X-sync and Nikon High Speed Sync up to 1/16000sec
Infrared sensitivity range: Up to 900Nm for full Infrared photography compatibility
Infrared sensitivity range set: You can manually set what red sensitivity range the sensor records. Eg. you can take genuine Infrared pictures without using any filter with sensor by setting the red sensitivity range to example of 650-900Nm. And you can take standard pictures simply by set the max red sensitivity to Around 550Nm. Its highly possible the camera have an own standard mode in the menu for easy setting to no IR senzitisation.
Memory: Two CompactFlash card slots and one standard USB3.0 port on the camera right side for moving the photos and videos to memory stick or hard disk or shooting to them directly
Other features:
Autofocus and Light metering servo features
Additionally the old AI/AI-S lens connectors for metering
In camera moire remove feature while shooting samelike as noise remove (Off, Lo, Md, Hi)
Integrated grip
Thunderbolt High Speed I/O
Integrated GPS
Integrated Wi-Fi for uploading pictures, remote controllers, setting cameras settings from computer, for flash controlling etc…..
New user and menu interfaces
Shutter release now selectable for any user set button
The camera uses new 3500mAh ENX-1 Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery
Weight: Around 1400g without battery, memory card or body cap
Release date: 4th quarter of 2011 or 1st quarter of 2012
Price: ?
Nikon D4x: Other features same as D4, but changes below…..
Sensor: 48 or 54 Megapixel full size 3MOS (samelike as Sigma Foveon) or 3-layer JFET-LBCAST sensor (heh heh ? Nikon uses his own strategy for challenging with Canon and should have used some Sony sensors before for showing to challengers they can’t develop good sensors, this is don’t true but Canon and Sony believing it’s true, you know what i mean)
Sensor made by: Nikon…..
Dynamic range: Over 18 F-Stops
Sensitivity: 25-51200 ISO (Boost 102400, 204800, 409600) (IQ* ?)
Light metering: New type 48 or 54 Megapixel light metering sensor
Framerate: 12 frames/sec
Release date: 3rd quarter of 2012
Price: This rumor is not a joke….. like D4x price, its not a cheap joke for amateurs. Nikon states the body is priced over 8000 euros.
Nikon D400x: Other features same as D400, but changes below…..
Sensor: 36 Megapixel full size 3MOS (samelike as Sigma Foveon) or 3-layer JFET-LBCAST
Sensor made by: ?
Prism: Standard moving prism with Multi-Shot mode (more than 1 exposures in 1 prism move, user selectable number of exposures around 1-9 exposures)
Dynamic range: ?
Sensitivity: 25-25600 ISO (Boost 51200, 102400, 204800, 409600) (IQ* ?)
Light metering: New type 36 Megapixel light metering sensor
Framerate: 9 frames/sec
Release date: 3rd quarter of 2012
Price: ?
By admin, on May 28th, 2011
Canon major announcement coming in august 2011, CR said “The 1Ds Mark III replacement and 3 lenses will be announced. No detail into what lenses.”
Nikon confirmed to PDNonline that all upcoming new products will be released as scheduled:
“Nikon is actively working to maximize production during this challenging time. As previously announced, availability of the Nikon COOLPIX S4100 and S6100 in the Americas will not be impacted and sales of these products will only be discontinued in some markets. Nikon Inc currently plans to release new products as scheduled.”src- NR
Canon may announce 1Ds Mark IV in August and Canon 5D Mark III in September as said by NL,
Nikon have said their launch schedule is unaffected and a major Nikon announcement is supposedly due for the end of August.
So, a tentative 1Ds3 replacement in mid August, followed by a D4 at the end of the month, and a 5D mk3 for September? …
By admin, on May 5th, 2011
Earlier we have published a news Sony may take advantage from shortages of Canon and Nikon DSLRs, Now news coming from many different sources that Canon and Nikon Both delayed there major announcement.

Rumors About Nikon D800
Nikon D800 announcement delayed due to recent earthquake in japan, now the expected time of announcement is Oct 2011 and Nikon D4 is expected to be announced in early 2012.

Canon new DSLRs also Delayed?
Delay in regards to manufacturing times of new current camera 1D Mark IV – 2-4 Months, 5D Mark II – 1-2 Months and 7D – 1-2 Month, Canon New Product announcement also delayed and the current expected time frames for new cameras.
- 1Ds Mark IV, 1D Mark V and T4i / 650D – March/April 2012
- 5D Mark III and 7D Mark II – Mid or Late of 2012
- Canon 70D – Early 2013
src – NR, NL and CR
By admin, on February 27th, 2011
Latest news form a German photographer, Claudius Schulze, posted in his blog that he just pre-ordered the Nikon D800 from Nikon representative.
DP Review member claims that”The D800 (not the D4) will have a sensor carriage that can be easily removed by an authorized dealer.”
later he add the spec of the camera – “The D800 will have a 16.4MP FX Nikon designed sensor. By September 2011 Nikon will have the first available replaceable sensor available.”
Nikon D800 Specification : 16.4MP FX sensors, 3.3″ LCD screen with a built in collapsible hood, new MB-D10i battery grip, 1/16000sec, full HD video at 120fps.
By admin, on November 23rd, 2010
Nikon D800 may arrive on on March/April 2011

Nikon D800 guide books the release date May 2011. The author of this book is Rome and he has written previous manuals on the Nikon D700, Nikon D5000 and Nikon D3000.

Nikon D800 likely spec and features:
- 24-megapixel sensor
- EXPEED 2 image processing engine
- Enhanced Live View with full time AF
- 1080p video
- Full-time AF in video mode
- 2,016 RGB metering sensor
- 95% field of view videwfinder
- Full HD (1080p) video
- ISO 200-6400 – 1 / 3, 1 / 2 or 1 EV step adjustment; below ISO 200 and up to 25600
- 8fps shooting
Visit to see the guide Book
src [Photoradar]
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