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Canon EOS R5c Latest Rumors

Canon EOS R5c latest rumors surfaced over the web, according to the rumor Canon’s EOS R5c (c for cinema) camera will arrive in the near future with an upscaled cooling system, C-Log2, and the same sensor as we have seen the Canon EOS R5 camera.

Rumor ends here—

TNC take on the arrival of Canon EOS R5c

1. Canon EOS R1 is under development

We do have published information in the past that the Canon EOS R5 sensor is under test again but for a larger body similar to  Nikon Z9. Or it’s better to say Canon EOS R1. That’s also doesn’t mean that the Canon EOS R1 camera will arrive with the same sensor since a camera company test at least 3 to 4 different prototypes before the camera jump over the production line.

2. Canon EOS R5c will kill the sales of R5 – Not a good decision?

Does Canon really want to kill the sales of Canon EOIS R5 ?.. Who knows .. but if the rumor is true then for sure someone inside Canon taken a really bad decision for Canon EOS R5 and C70 both.

3. Sony A1 and Nikon Z9 – stealing consumer base

The only reason that Canon wants to announce the Canon EOS R5c camera is to get the limelight from Sony A1 and Nikon Z9. Canon was the first camera maker to introduce an 8k mirrorless camera but cinematographers are not able to connect themselves with the R5 due to overheating issues even in HQ 4k60p mode. Now, Canon wants to fix that mistake by introducing a proper heatsink mechanism like Sony A7S III or A1… or as they have in Canon EOS C70.

Also, see Canon upcoming cameras of 2021

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