According to the latest rumors surfaced the Sony A7 V camera is coming very soon. Sony may announce a brand new camera at CES 2025, and according to their information, it could be the A7 V camera. The information is coming out from Camerabeta(webio), so we have to take it with a grain of salt
At the very same time, just prior to the official announcement of a camera, we generally get a lot of leaks, like leaked images, core specifications, and all these kinds of hints for 10 or 15 days before an official announcement. The big reason behind that is that a lot of review units get distributed just prior to the announcement of any camera to create sample reviews and a kind of positive environment.
However, the entire situation is quite dry, which doesn’t indicate a major announcement in the next 15 days.
But again, if we get any information related to upcoming cameras or lenses, we will update you very soon. Stay tuned for upcoming updates!
Also see
Sony A7 V Surfaces at Wireless Certification Agency
Sony A7 V Rumors: A 44MP Sensor and AI Power – What You Need to Know!
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Well i am waiting so long for the Sony A7 V camera, thanks for the update