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Panasonic S1R Mark II Delayed

According to the latest rumors from the rumor mill, the announcement of the Panasonic S1R Mark II camera has been delayed to 2025, according to a trusted source. The S1R Mark II camera is not coming soon; it is expected that the camera will use Sony’s 44-megapixel full-frame sensor.

Panasonic has registered a new camera with their wireless certification agency in a surprising turn of events. Based on the previous set of rumors published on our website, it looks like Panasonic, along with Sony, will update the S1 series camera, and very soon we will have the S1 Mark II in our hands.

It gives more fuel to the information we have shared in the past – More Confirmation over Panasonic S1H Mark II | Panasonic S1H Mark II Coming

Glimpse of post on, June 14, 2024

Panasonic Lumix S1H II may be released in the fourth quarter – According to the latest information, after the release of Panasonic GH7, the next update will be for the S series full-frame camera bodies. According to previous rumors, Lumix S1H II is among them, and it is expected to be officially released within this year (fourth quarter).

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2 comments to Panasonic S1R Mark II Delayed

  • sameer

    They should also postpone the announcement of S1H mark II since we already have Nikon Z6 III with advance video core secs

  • arvindo

    The next model to be released is the Leica D-LUX8, so
    it’s possible that it could be a Lumix version of the LX100 successor. However, due to contractual reasons, Leica can’t release it for 2-3 months, so
    it should be released in 3 months.
    There doesn’t seem to be any competition, so they might just release it. This is just my own guess.

    I was looking forward to the successor to the GX7 rather than the successor to the LX100, but
    they said there won’t be a successor to the GX7.
    Apparently the previous model didn’t sell well. This is disappointing for me.

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