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Nikon P1000 to Feature 125X Optical Zoom


Unbelievable! Nikon P1000 (successor of Nikon P900) is rumored to have 125X Optical zoom lens. Keep in mind that the name of the successor isn’t know yet but according to latest rumors Nikon is preparing to announce a new super-zoom camera that will going to feature 125X optical zoom lens (24-3000mm equivalent ).

We will update you soon as we get any new information.

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9 comments to Nikon P1000 to Feature 125X Optical Zoom

  • F. Langen

    Graag meer info

  • animalsbybarry

    I think it is a mistake to produce this camera

    A 3000 mm equivalent on a 1/2.3″ sensor camera will simply not yield decent quality

    Nikon has a recent patent for a 7.4-600mm f2.8-6.3 lens for a 1″ sensor ( 20-1620mm equivalent)

    This kens with a 1″ sensor would be a much better decision for Nikon to build.

  • Sportouch

    A mon avis, ils feraient mieux de travailler la qualité globale et démarrer à 20mm.
    Je sais pas, un genre 20-300mm correspondrait plus à une utilisation quotidienne, non ?
    Un capteur plus moderne et surtout un meilleur traitement de l’image
    Ouais, c’est typique de CANIKON : plus gros, plus loin, … plus nul aussi.

  • Jeff

    Sounds cool. Have waited years to buy the P900 which is always sold out so might as well get this.

  • Herman

    Just hope Nikon will add a RAW feature to it as that was a deal-breaker for me with the P900.

  • Buck

    Yes I agree that the quality may suffer, however, now having used the p900 for over a year, I have to say that it’s one incredible camera.
    The improvements it really needs is a better battery, maybe 4k?, and the wifi and night shots eat away at the battery within minutes. Ah yes and the image stabilization needs improv.
    Other than that, it is an absolutely unreal camera and if there is in fact a 125x camera coming out, I will buy it immediately! Considering how terrible canon has been sucking recently, (which they weren’t 10years ago. Maybe they just hired really bad employees now) I’m not waiting for them anymore. I’m so sick of them re-hashing the exact same camera over and over with very slight differences. I’m done with them.

  • mike

    Every body thinks 3000mm but that will depend on how wide it is at the other end,if its wider than 24mm it will not be 3000mm

  • Coming P1000 , sure will buy it.

  • If it has a tiny sensor, what is the point? Has to be four thirds or larger.

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