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AI Predicts Canon’s Downfall: Report Raises Red Flags!

Okay, we have the Canon Global Sales Report [2023-24 financial year] published in July 2024 by Japan’s Nikki  News Magazine [source], and these are the details we have from that particular report.

The second report is from the previous year [2022-23 financial year], sourced from the website [source]

Both reports are from reputable sources. Now we have also added a third year of Global sales stats  [2021-22 financial year] to make the entire report more perfect and more accurate 

However, the top 5 and the market share, are shown in the table below: source

Position Brand Market Share 2021 Market Share 2022 Change
1 Canon 47.9% 46.5% ↓ 1.4%
2 Sony 22.1% 26.1% ↑ 4.0%
3 Nikon 13.7% 11.7% ↓ 2.0%
4 FUJIFILM 5.6% 5.8% ↑ 0.2%
5 Panasonic 4.4% 4.2% ↓ 0.2%

We have asked AI to predict the future sales report based on our existing reports for 2021-22, 22-23 and 2023-24[FY] of the global camera manufacturer market share, take a look at the results we have

We have added Three Years of sales Data to the report, and then this report has been generated

Creating a prediction report for the next 10 years based on the provided market share data from 2021 to 2023 involves identifying trends in the market shares of each company and projecting these trends forward. Here’s a simplified approach to predict the market shares:

  1. Identify the trend for each company: Calculate the average annual change in market share for each company based on the provided data.
  2. Project the trend forward: Apply the average annual change to project the market shares for the next 10 years.

Let’s start by calculating the average annual change for each company from 2021 to 2023:

Calculation of Annual Change


  • 2021 to 2022: 46.5% – 47.9% = -1.4%
  • 2022 to 2023: 41.2% – 46.5% = -5.3%
  • Average annual change: (-1.4% + -5.3%) / 2 = -3.35%


  • 2021 to 2022: 26.1% – 22.1% = +4.0%
  • 2022 to 2023: 32.1% – 26.1% = +6.0%
  • Average annual change: (+4.0% + +6.0%) / 2 = +5.0%


  • 2021 to 2022: 11.7% – 13.7% = -2.0%
  • 2022 to 2023: 13.2% – 11.7% = +1.5%
  • Average annual change: (-2.0% + +1.5%) / 2 = -0.25%


  • 2021 to 2022: 5.8% – 5.6% = +0.2%
  • 2022 to 2023: 8.1% – 5.8% = +2.3%
  • Average annual change: (+0.2% + +2.3%) / 2 = +1.25%


  • 2021 to 2022: 4.3% – 4.4% = -0.1%
  • 2022 to 2023: 4.5% – 4.3% = +0.2%
  • Average annual change: (-0.1% + +0.2%) / 2 = +0.05%


  • 2021 to 2022: 5.6% – 5.5% = +0.1%
  • 2022 to 2023: 5.2% – 5.6% = -0.4%
  • Average annual change: (+0.1% + -0.4%) / 2 = -0.15%

Projections for 2024 to 2033

Following this method, we can project the market shares for the next 10 years. Here is the complete projection:

FINAL RESULT – complete projection BASED on the Sales report

Year Canon Sony Nikon Fuji Panasonic Others
2024 37.85% 37.1% 12.95% 9.35% 4.55% 5.05%
2025 34.50% 42.10% 12.70% 10.60% 4.60% 4.90%
2026 31.15% 47.10% 12.45% 11.85% 4.65% 4.75%
2027 27.80% 52.10% 12.20% 13.10% 4.70% 4.60%
2028 24.45% 57.10% 11.95% 14.35% 4.75% 4.45%
2029 21.10% 62.10% 11.70% 15.60% 4.80% 4.30%
2030 17.75% 67.10% 11.45% 16.85% 4.85% 4.15%
2031 14.40% 72.10% 11.20% 18.10% 4.90% 4.00%
2032 11.05% 77.10% 10.95% 19.35% 4.95% 3.85%
2033 7.70% 82.10% 10.70% 20.60% 5.00% 3.70%

Final Observations | Conclusion and VERDICT

  • If the observed trends continue, Canon’s market share will significantly decrease, reaching Less than 10% by 2033.

PS: even if we use the past three years of the Global sales report, it doesn’t seem Canon is doing any good.

  • Sony’s market share will see a substantial increase, reaching over 80% by 2034.
  • Nikon, Fuji and Panasonic will continue to grow steadily

Note that these predictions are based on a linear trend and real-world factors of the 202-2023 and 2023-2024 global sales report, . Changes in technology, market dynamics, new entrants, and other external factors could influence these trends.

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This report should not be taken seriously in any context since these are analyses done by AI, the artificial intelligence. At the same time, the details of these analyses are generated based on the past two years of global sales reports, which may fluctuate based on the offers from camera makers to their consumers. For example, if Canon opens their lens mount, we may see a significant increase in the global sales share percentage of Canon cameras as well as their lenses. Similarly, if any other brand like Nikon or Sony introduces a new line of cinema cameras or dedicated cameras for content creators, they may raise their own market share. Therefore, these predictions are not always accurate when based on limited data, especially when there are many factors involved. Consider this report just as a reference.

9 comments to AI Predicts Canon’s Downfall: Report Raises Red Flags!

  • Jonathan

    Brilliant post, really entertaining ive gone off Canon myself. Made me smile!

  • subhamhitech

    See more or less the AI is Sony Fanboy, I am 100% sure

  • arvindo

    I don’t know about the stats, but I was a Canon user and now shifted to Sony

  • subhamhitech

    @arvindo The issue with many people is that when they want to switch, they often choose Sony. However, Nikon is a much better option. If you’re considering leaving Canon, I recommend looking into Nikon before considering Sony.

  • Marcus

    I use Canon products, but the GFX 100 Mark II and the latest PhaseOne too. I’m disappointed from the R1 and R5 Mark II, but the AI results are insane. I’m sure, that that will never happen. I have worked with the Z8 and Z9 a few days and notice, that they are working very well too. So even if Canon loses some customers in the next years, then I’m sure, that they will not only switch to Sony. They will switch to Nikon or Fuji too.

  • etudiant

    The 2033 market shares add up to 130%.
    I’d guess the AI is hallucinating again.

  • admin

    Agree, the report is intended for reference purposes only. It illustrates potential outcomes if these camera manufacturers continue to follow the same trends as they have over the past 3 years.

  • Jonathan

    @subhamhitech why is nikon better than sony? Nikon lenses look far too big GM primes are superb. Nikon used to have the best ergonomics but things have moved on Nikon gear is made in Thailand instead of Japan now

  • Del Paso

    Was the AI computer fed by a sony fanboi?
    This is simply too ridiculous!

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