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TTartisan Mysterious Product - A Mirrorless Camera or a New Lens?

So, that’s the teaser TTartisan has uploaded to its page. They are making very bold claims about their upcoming product on 27 February at the CP+ Show in Yokohama, Japan.

And the level of excitement they have is just amazing, you can see their Teaser text, a hypothetical chat that is full of excitement and no logic behind that šŸ™‚ , that sounds fascinating and at the very same time it excites us too what coming next from these guys

Some rumors also state that they are about to announce their first Mirrorless Camera, is it is true then it’s a piece of very good news. Once they have started something other Chinese third-party lens makers will also follow soon, and after a while, we have a huge range of budget mirrorless camera options…. just a thought

Btw, we have to wait, and see what coming up Next from TTartisan at Yokohama on Feb 27, before that if we get any new updates about upcoming TTartisanĀ  cameras and lenses we will post an update soon.

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