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Firmware Update

Sony A7 IV, Sony RX100 VIII and 3 More Cameras Coming in 2021

Sony recently registered a new camera at a wireless certification agency. The Model Code of the camera is WW356015. So, now we have a total of 5 New cameras in the announcement pipeline from Sony. Take a look at the list of Sony to be announced cameras.

1. Sony Upcoming Camera Models list

  1. “WW447485” with 5GHz Wi-Fi (Higher End camera)
  2. “WW728473” 5GHz Wi-Fi (Higher End camera)
  3. “WW356015” 2.4GHz (RX series or APS-C Mirrorless)
  4. “WW186333” 2.4GHz (RX series or APS-C Mirrorless)
  5. “WW111327” 2.4GHz (RX series or APS-C Mirrorless)

In general, when Sony registers a camera, they take less than 3 months of time to announce the product officially. Rest depends on the Sony Marketing team when they want to announce the product.

For example, the Sony A7s III announcement was intentionally delayed by the marketing team due to the absence of proper market competitors in that category.

2. Sony A7 IV and Sony RX100 VIII announcement is overdue

Sony does, incremental updates when they feel they have very limited competition. That’s why the Sony A7 IV camera RX100 series updated was delayed and the same in the case of the RX10 and RX1 series. This year we will have the announcement of the Sony A7IV and RX100 VIII camera, but again with limited updates in the core specs.

3. A Major Update to the Sony APS-C Mirrorless line-up coming

As per the latest rumors we have, we will see a Major core specs update in the Sony APS-C Mirrorless camera line-up. A week ago, a rumor surfaced over the web related to the upcoming Sony A7400 / Sony A6400 II camera with a built-in IBIS unit and 4:2:0 10bit internal recording. But, the rumor looks not so credible to us, so we haven’t decided to publish that 😉

More updates are on the way, we will publish them soon.

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source Nokoshita