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By admin, on May 3rd, 2012
Features images of Motion Photo Contest, Thanks to all members and visitors of for participating in the contest, the new contest will be started soon, please visit the photo contest page regular updates.

Race of the taxicab by VdlMrc, on Flickr
This Picture was taken in New York City, handheld with Nikon D90 and a 18-105 mm Nikkor lens.
Exposure : 1/13
Aperture : f/18.0
Focal length : 18 mm
ISO speed : 250

81 | 365 | GHOST by Michael Overbeck | Photography, on Flickr
Canon 60D
Canon 70-200 F/4L
Natural Luminence

Indonesia Six Days Enduro 2011 by Reza Dana, on Flickr

Ujjal Dey
Caption: Pot Making
Description: Shot at a pottery in West Bengal
Camera/Lens: Nikon D90, Nikkor 35mm
see more featured images
Motion Photography by Ana Filipa Scarpa
Motion Phorography by Edward Moxley
By admin, on April 21st, 2012
Nikon France added 10 samples taken from images of Nikon D3200 on Flickr , Full version of all these images are available.
To see the full version on flickr – click on – Actions – > View all sizes – > full res version

100% crop taken from the above image:
See more about Nikon D3200 || Nikon D3200 vs Nikon D3100
By admin, on April 14th, 2012
Submit your images to motion photo contest, Please submit images that are relatively large, the ideal size being 800 to 1200 pixels or larger on the longest side. Please include a description of your photo, which may include technical information, equipment used, etc.
We don’t host the photos, so you’ll have to upload it to our Flickr group or email us at
Eligibility: Worldwide, any age
Entry Fee: Free to Enter
Prizes: Best pictures, will be featured on New Camera Website every Month.
Copyright in all photographs submitted remains with the photographers who submitted them, All entrants agree that their name and images can be displayed and used in promotion for future competitions on NEW CAMERA.
Deadline: April 30, 2012
For more details visit this page
By admin, on April 2nd, 2012
March 2012 – Sunset Photo Contest Featured Images, we have received more than 1200 images form different countries of the world by email and flickr submission and it was a very difficult task to pick out just few best images.

Sunset At Honshinji by DougCraigPhoto
Sunset and mountains along with dead lotus stalks and their reflections at Honshinji wetlands near Cheongdo, South Korea.

Old pier by didik hariadi mahsyar

Sunset by jhcanelas, on Flickr

Sunset Pine Island Sound by John McConnell
Taken with Nikon D90 w/18-105, 1/500, f/11, ISO400, 0ev.

A Silent Sun set at Andaman islands by Mangalika Ghosh
By admin, on March 18th, 2012
Carl Zeiss new Distagon T* 2,8/15 first sample images are now available at dcfever website, the new super-wide angle lens is showing excellent image quality at extreme corner and amazing control over Chromatic Aberration.
Note: dcfever have slow server (sometime)
Visit this (google translated) page to view/download images
see more about Carl Zeiss new Distagon T* 2,8/15 lens
By admin, on March 16th, 2012
Both Samsung and Panasonic giving hints that upcoming compacts may have Android as the operating system,
According to Engdaget, Samsung is looking for a “open” camera operating system. Samsung R&D team has been researching on how to bring Android to its digital cameras.
In an recent interview to techradar, Barney Sykes (spokesperson for Panasonic UK) has said
“It’s one option for the future, but we have to be mindful of the consumer and the warranty that we offer. If we open up the platform to third parties, then we lose control of the warranty that we could offer the customer, because you never know what you’re downloading”
Sykes continued, “But it is very interesting, in particular when you look at some of the apps you can download, the filters, the effects you can make, it’s an interesting step. It’s always good to see innovation”
But its really very interesting to see what exactly would an OS like Android mean for digital camera users, over 400,000 photography apps available on the android marketplace, the upcoming compacts may allow you to make a phone call, share your album and updates on facebook, twitter and google+.
By admin, on March 5th, 2012
The Theme of March 2012 Photo Contest is Sunset, open to all worldwide, free to enter and for this contest, we’ll select the best images to be featured on our FaceBook Fan Page, Twitter, and mentioned in a blog post on The New Camera Website.
To enter, please submit your images to the New Camera Flickr Group and add the tag, “sunset” (Copy and paste that in) Good luck!
Eligibility: Worldwide, any age
Entry Fee: Free to Enter
Prizes: Best pictures, will be featured on New Camera Website every Month.
Copyright in all photographs submitted remains with the photographers who submitted them, All entrants agree that their name and images can be displayed and used in promotion for future competitions on NEW CAMERA.
Deadline: March 31, 2012
Join our flickr group to submit images, for details visit this page
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