Image of Pentax Super Program was a 35 mm single-lens reflex camera produced by Pentax of Japan in the 1980s.
We may see a Pentax Mirrorless FullFrame and Mirrorless 645D soon according Mr. Kitazawa, Head of R&D at Pentax.
Digital Camera Magazine of Japan interviewed eight camera manufacturers companies in Tokyo including Pentax, According to Head of camera development at Pentax Mr. Kitazawa said Pentax is working on a mirror-less 35mm full-frame camera and is even considering a mirror-less 645D.
News src – dpreviewforum and photooftheday(japanese)
Soon We will see a new and complete line of mirrorless cameras starting from Pentax Q, Nikon 1, Sony NEX to Pentax Full Frame and Medium Format Camera.
The interview is translated by Meuh (from jap to eng)
With the rate of development with camera’s the benefits of mirrorless will overtake the old mirror box style cameras.
Sure I love the optical view finder but lets be real.. its an old system designed when the only way to see through the lens was to shove stuff in the way..
These days.. there are very good EVF’s and its a technology that’s improving at a very fast rate, sure it will never be the same as an OVF but its has many advantages and can only get better.
As for the mirror box, it adds vibration, focus misalignment, restrictions on lens design and slows down the camera.
Without the mirror box, no need for the two second timer on a tripod to help fight vibrations, with the chip doing the focus no more back/front focus problems and with the evf we get to see exactly what the lens is rendering before we take the shot and with sensor based stabilisation we also get a stabilised view finder.
We also have live histogram’s, zooming to focus and no restrictions to size.. we can have FF sized EVF on apcs chips (like the Sony’s).
Id hate to see the OVF die out but I think as cameras become more advanced the old DSLR will become something else..
All that I can Say is Pentax is working hard to bring something new to users
well now i thought only sony is serious about the mirrorless lineup….
I have read the google translation and I can clearly see Pantx is talking about development of Mirrorless FF and 645D, ….
I like some BIG Sensor in Small package 😉
I just bought a Nikon D800 and a couple new lenses and would sell it in a heartbeat if there was a comparable mirrorless flat top camera on the market.
Mirrorless is more efficient, simpler to manufacture, and reduces moving parts that are subject to wear and breakage.
The same purists who whined about 35mm Leicas, color film, digital imaging, and every other break through will be griping about the change, but they will just have adjust, it’s the future of photography.