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Nikon D800 vs. Pentax 645D vs. Leaf Aptus-II 8

I was waiting for Nikon D800E vs. Pentax 645D vs. Leaf Aptus-II 8, but let’s have a look at Nikon D800 comparison with other two medium format camera.

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Comparison details
The Nikon D800 have a Full-Frame sensor (size is 24x36mm) and the other two models have medium format sensor (Size 33x44mm). The lens(s) are also different, Mamiya RZ back with a 40 megapixel Leaf Aptus-II 8 with 90 mm ​​f / 3,5 Mamiya the Nikon D800 with 50 mm f / 1.4 AF-S and the Pentax 645D with 55 mm f / 2.8. The samples were taken at 200 lux illumination, the ISO of 645D and D800 is set to 100, Mamiya ISO set to 200.

Nikon D800 – Medium format Killer?

Nikon D800 vs medium format

Image credit - focus-numerique

Only the Leaf backs captures the pinstripes of the ticket.
Nikon D800 image quality look better in the sample above compared to Pentax 645D and Leaf Aptus-II 8 image quality is better than Nikon D800.

Nikon D800

Image Credit - focus-numerique

from focus-numerique (translated by google)

we can see some demosaicing problems on texture of the book, some areas containing more than simply no details. Note that this phenomenon is not unique to Nikon, other Canon bodies, Sony have the same symptoms. At Pentax, the 645D offers an image with a bit more relief, the level of detail is a little higher and overall the micro-contrast is more important. However, it is the Aptus-II 8 wins this comparison hands down first with an excellent rendering of matter on the finest details, the difference in rendering is really impressive.

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7 comments to Nikon D800 vs. Pentax 645D vs. Leaf Aptus-II 8

  • I found your comparisons of these cameras to be very insightful. It is obvious that the Leaf Aptus-II 8 40mp is the clear winner in resolution and clarity.

    This makes me wonder how the Leaf Aptus-II 28mp or 33mp ( Larger sensor better image quality In theory anyway ). Would compare to the D800/E

    I suppose the real question for me is how far into the Digital medium format territory has the D800/E encroached?

  • […] Nikon D800 vs. Pentax 645D vs. Leaf Aptus-II 8 […]

  • Ricardo Boks

    I thinking The D800 in combinatoin with prime lenses Will be The Same ass The Leica S2 , Pentax 645 and The HAsselblad H4-31, maybe The D800 is beter in higher ISO ranges.

  • chrisopher

    Ithink that until you test a D800e with its anti-aliasing filter removed it is an unfair test since neither of the MFhave one and I feel that at this level of cropping this fact could be very significant.

  • Andrew

    You’re testing two excellent lenses for the Mamiya and Nikon against the second worst lens for the Pentax. All I see this test is doing is showing the importance of using the best glass availible for any of these high resolution sensors. That is the real point.

  • Andreas Pastowski

    As has been said. Try the Pentax with the FA 120 f4 macro and you will notice the difference that a very good lens makes.

  • David

    Kidding me. Wrong pictures. Best of best are Pentax 645D

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