DXO mark lab finally published the test result of recently announced Nikon D5 camera, during the test Nikon D5 scored 88 as a overall score and if you look at the low light is score of the camera its 2434 ISO, the Portrait color depth score of the camera is 25.1 bits and the landscape dynamics range score of Nikon D5 is 12. 3 EVS.
If we compare the score of Nikon D5 with the Canon 1dx (Canon 1DX Mark II predecessor) camera the overallĀ low light is core of the 1 DX camera was 2766 ISO. Surprisingly the old Canon 1dx camera is better for shooting in low-light compositions compared to the recently announced Nikon D5 which feature 3.2 million TOP ISO range.
We Can say that the ISO range of Nikon D5 camera is just works on a specification sheet not on practical test?
Latest score of Nikon D750, Nikon D810 and Nikon DF is better than the recently announced Nikon D5 camera we are very surprised to see Nikon has taken a step backwards in terms of low light performance and its flagship camera.
Most importantly the low-light is score of Nikon D4S as well as Nikon d3s is better than Nikon D5.
source dxomarklab