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Leica - more than one surprise for next year

leica M10 and Mirrorless coming soonYes we know lecia Mirrorless and M10 Coming on next year but get ready to handle two more surprise from Leica, on Leica Experience Day Dr. Kaufmann  promised more than one surprise for next year… and he also added that they haven’t been discussed or discovered by Leica Rumors or the Leica Forum until now.

New Products (form Leica news)

Dr. Kaufmann didn’t make any announcements of new products – but he quickened our appetite. He promised more than one surprise for next year – and he told us that they haven’t been discussed or discovered by Leica Rumors or the Leica Forum until now. But I’m pretty sure this will change within a short time…

…………..And it looks as if Leica has new and interesting products in their pipeline for the photokina year 2012 – we are really looking forward!

4 comments to Leica – more than one surprise for next year

  • Dr. Evan B. Siegel

    I have been shooting with the Leica S2=P system for about 3 months. The lenses are the 180 mm, 70mm and 35 mm. They are all of superb quality and the image dynamic range, sharpness, color and complete lack of distortion are unreal, compared to any other system (including the Hasselblad 3D 39II) that I have used to date. While the repetition rate of the shutter cannot compare to a high-end DSLR, I find that 5fps or more is rarely needed and the capabilities, complete water-resistance, form-factor, battery life and made-for-your-hand aspects are synergistic with the image quality mentioned above. Although the pricing is sky-high, a serious photographer will find him/her self in a league above other shooting experiences. I have used this system all over Australia in all kinds of weather; whale watching in a zodiac, and in every climate and humidity situation likely to be encountered, without a hitch, in about 15 countries.

  • […] Leica – more than one surprise for 2012 / Leica will update its M9 (M10 coming ) in 2012 and 2 more surprise coming from Leica in […]

  • Matthias

    “Leica – more than one surprise for next year”
    1. Leica S3 with Full HD
    2. Leica M10 with Full HD
    ? 😉

  • […] = {"data_track_clickback":true}; Few days ago on Leica Experience Day Dr. Kaufmann promised more than one surprise for next year (at photokina year 2012), Now DSLR magazine posted on Twitter that Leica is working on two new […]

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