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Confirmed: Nikon DL Cameras Coming in January 2017


No further Delay: DL compacts shipping

We are the first website to tell you the actual reason delay of Nikon DL series compact camera [see here]. After that Nikon delayed the shipping date of DL series camera to a unknown time. And Now we got got confirmation from source that integrated circuit problem of Nikon DL series is completely solved and the shipping will start from January of this year.

You can pre-order you camera today

Nikon DL18-50 f/1.8-2.8 – Amazon | B&H

Nikon DL24-85 f/1.8-2.8 – Amazon | B&H

Nikon DL24-500 f/2.8-5.6 – Amazon | B&H

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Nikon DL camera is again delayed. Unfortunately the delay is again un-officially announced by Nikon. I personally thinks Nikon should do a roll back to their announcement if they are unable to ship camera even 1 year after it’s announcement.


21 comments to Confirmed: Nikon DL Cameras Coming in January 2017

  • check

    Like we haven’t heard “confirmed” dates for the DL cameras before.
    No one wants them now, they are so delayed their tech is already old and over priced and look ugly.
    It’s just another cock-up by Nikon, 1 in a very long series performed over the years.

  • Tony

    Check – Ouch, buyers remorse on that Canon PowerShot?

  • Tieu Ngao

    Nikon DL24-85 at $647 is competitively priced compared with Panasonic LX10 ($698) and Sony RX100 Mk5 ($998).
    Nikon DL24-500 is also competitive at $997 compared with Panasonic FZ2500 at $1198 and Sony RX10 Mark III at $1598.
    Nikon DL18-50 is unique with no rival.
    I hope that this time “confirmed” is really confirmed!

  • admin

    Agree. The best part is Nikon DL series have built-in Hybrid sensors and the new Sony RX100V also have. Now it’s upto Canon how much time they will take to announce a Hybrid Sensor based 1″ compact camera. Otherwise they will sure see sharp decrease in 1″ G series compacts demand ones the shipping of DL series starts.

  • John Miller

    ………………. 11 months AFTER they were announced! What a joke..

  • Chris

    … is completely solved and the shipping will start from January of this year.

    which probably means “will start from January 2017”.

  • Chris

    John, I prefer a delay of some more months rather than becoming a beta tester. What happened to X-S1 and X10 from Fuji? They had white orbs!

  • Feroz

    So since we’re nearly there now, have there been any further confirmations / updates from Nikon?

  • admin

    No updates from Nikon – But I do believe the Shipping will start from 1st week of Jan 2017

  • Feroz

    BHPhoto, which until very recently had put up “Jan 2017” as the estimate on their DL listings, now just says “NEW ITEM – COMING SOON”

    Another delay?

  • Jeb

    As wait continues, can you confirm if:
    24-500 zooms in video mode — couldn’t find that in specs
    24-500 has bluetooth in addition to wi-fi, unlike comperable Lumix models
    At what zoom level 24-500 drops aperture to 5.6
    Can stills be extracted from 4k video on 24-500

    The camera has great specs, but tech-problem delays create plenty of concern. It will be easier to assess if the company ever actually ships the DL series.

  • Rick

    It’s almost the 2nd week of January 2017. They are still not available at Amazon and B&H Photo. 🙁

  • Feroz

    And now we’re in the 2nd week. Nikon at CES seems to have said they have no definitive date as yet. With camera technology improving every few months, I hope Nikon doesn’t expect to sell these with an outdated J5 sensor now which will already lag behind newer mirrorless models from other manufacturers. Sony is already leading the pack by a long way with the RX 100V and Panasonic seems to be catching up with the Lumix LX15

  • admin

    @Rick @Feroz
    Yes we are amazed to see the delay in the shipping of compacts camera, the DL series show us how Nikon Marketing team overdoing everything to gain access over the market. Again we are the process to know the next expected shipping date of the camera.

  • Michel Savage

    It was firmly announced as January 17, 2017. We are now on the 18th. What kind of a game is Nikon playing with us. Enough to just drop the entire Nikon line.

  • Feroz

    And they’ve just removed that availability now….

  • admin

    The big problem is Nikon itself changing the shipping date of the camera units. They are losing credibility nothing else.

  • Feroz

    Agreed. At this point a J5 sensor is outdated. The DL will not sell as much as they expected unless they get in a newer sensor and processor

  • All three Nikon DL cameras are officially discontinued.
    The question now is …. will the Nikon 1 system be seeing an increased emphasis now that the 1″ sensor DL cameras are gone?

    Those faster zooms from DL development would be great additions to the Nikon 1 system.

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