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By admin, on August 2nd, 2014
We have selected some of the best images uploaded on our flickr group on June and July…you can also upload your image here and get featured at the new camera.
Continue reading Best Images of June & July 2014
By admin, on May 25th, 2014
We have agin selected some best images form our flickr pool, congrats to all the featured members and you can also participate by just uploading your images at our flickr group
Turtle – Sea World San Diego by theblackpearl12
A lull in the storms great light and clouds at petit port bay Guernsey by mark butterworth
Continue reading New Camera Readers Featured Images – April / May 2014
By admin, on February 9th, 2014
New Camera – January 2014 Featured Images – Congrats to all the participants, members, followers and visitors of for making this contest a huge success.

Copyright All rights reserved by HazmanHjRahim

Copyright All rights reserved by Flieg-e
Continue reading New Camera – January 2014 Featured Images
By admin, on October 7th, 2013
Thanks four love, support and images, we have received over 1000 of reader emails during Sep 2013 from all over the world …take a look at the featured images below…

Digital photo from Canon 6d in bar in Madrid Spain.
Photographer: Edward Olive, Counrty – Spain

Pictures were made this spring wen outside was rain, snow, wind and +2C. That was very interesting experience.
Photographer : Olesya Rodgers-Diaz, Counrty – Russia
Continue reading Readers Work September 2013 – New Camera
By admin, on September 3rd, 2012
Example of wedding group photos – The groom and brothers – brother 2 by Edward Olive, on Flickr
Website –

Eyeless by Hanne Gronnestad, on Flickr

Klapa by Ivan Aleksic, on Flickr
Papua -portrait #6 by edward nugroho, on Flickr
Padaung Lady. by sandrotto, on Flickr

Christof, Berlin 2010 by frikadelka, on Flickr
Heather2 by bimsbrazil, on Flickr

Photographer – Filipa Scarpa
Title File – Rural moments 1
Where – Portugal
Machine Nikon D3
Speed 1/20
Aperture f8
WB automatic
Nikon 14-24 8.2 Lens
Photographer – Debajit Dutta
File Title:Chameleon
File Description:Chameleon is very famous mostly in village.These mainly seen in the rural fair in each an evry occasion.They makeup like Hindu God and godess and act like them and entertain people thrugh their acting.I capture one of this moment when a boy took some final touch.
Lens & Camera: Camera:Nikon D3100; Lens:Sigma 70-300mm F/4-5.6 DG Macro.
Photographer – Irina Yordanova Miroslavov
By admin, on August 4th, 2012

Edward Olive – wedding photography 2009 glasses 2 via flickr – wedding – found still life Edward Olive wedding photographer in Spain Madrid Barcelona
one of my digiweddingphotos for once.
dusk. barcelona september 2009.
a lot of people talk about the differences between negative film and digital. i think really digital if anything works more like slide film. when it blows out highlights and comes out all smooth and glasslike its similar to some slides. when it does almost work it almost looks like a slide film. i still prefer slide film though, even if i can’t often get it to work very well for me still.

Untitled by Vilde Indrehus, on Flickr
Day 16.
This photograph was taken tonight. I was so, so tired, and I had my last day of school today. But then I thought, what is the point of going to bed early if I only have one day left? So I sat on the beach alone. For 2 hours! And I enjoyed it so much. I have never seen anything so beautiful. I totally don`t regret being a little tired today, it was so worth it!

by jhcanelas, on Flickr

dslr 395 by asitkumarghatak, on Flickr

The Bus Travellers by kross_edd, on Flickr

Sleeping giant Anindya Phani | via email submission | See Anindya Phani Gallery at
Description: The photo was taken in Sundarban, India
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D

wah TAJMAHAL by Nakul Sharma via email submission | the beautiful wonder of the World… the beautiful architecture of the 17th century….
This photo taken in AGRA at TAJ MAHAL
camer & lens used : Canon 500D 18-135mm
shutter spped- 1/2000
ISO- 400
By admin, on June 9th, 2012

Sarah. I love. You. by Michael Overbeck | Photography, on Flickr
Canon 60D
50 f/1.8
Natural Luminence

Little man by Michael Overbeck | Photography, on Flickr

POTRAITS 10 by Suvankar Sen Photogallery, on Flickr

Happiness by Gigin, on Flickr
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