According to the latest rumors coming from the rumor mill, the Panasonic S1R Mark II camera is expected to arrive sometime in February 2025. Well, that’s really exciting news for Panasonic enthusiasts. The Panasonic S1R was announced back on February 1, 2019. Panasonic S1R was delisted in December 2023, and for the past year, it’s almost out of stock in almost all online stores and retail stores, meaning the stock pipeline is virtually clear for a new announcement. Take a look at the rumored specification of the upcoming Panasonic S1R Mk II camera
Panasonic S1 Mark II Specification
- 60MP Full-Frame BSI CMOS Sensor
- Maestro IV Image Processor, 8GB Buffer
- Hybrid AF System with PDAF & Contrast AF
- 5.76m-Dot 0.78x-Mag. EyeRes OLED EVF
- 3.2″ 2.3m-Dot Tilting Touchscreen LCD
- 8K, C8K, 4K, C4K & FHD 10-Bit Recording
- ProRes 1080p & Apple MFi Support
- ISO 50-100000, Up to 15 fps Shooting
- 5-Axis Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization
- CFexpress Type B & SD UHS-II Card Slots
Sty tuned we will post full specifications and leaked images as soon as they become available.
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