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Canon R7 vs Canon 90D - More High ISO Test

Which is the best for you, ok this is not a very long specs-to-specs comparison between the two,  we already know that Canon R7 excels in the Video part since its able to oversample 7K video in 4k 30fps and with the help of pixel binning and line skipping algorithm you are able to capture videos up to 4K 60fps without any crop.

And this is not the first time we have compared the two, even a week ago I published a High ISO test between Canon R7 and Canon 90D.

Canon R7 samples are now available now

We have compared the first two images at base ISO. Even in the sample file above, you may be about to notice that the Canon R7 camera is able to capture more details compared to Canon 90D camera.

Things become more clear when you test Canon R7 and Canon 90D at ISO 12800. As you can clearly see that Canon R7 is preserving more details at a higher ISO range. So, as the Canon rep. said both Canon R10 and Canon R7 sensors have arrived with updated sensor microlenses was true, and now we can clearly see the difference between them.

Canon R7 Overheating Test

Canon R10 best lenses guide here

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Source and credit – dpreview image comparison

2 comments to Canon R7 vs Canon 90D – More High ISO Test

  • sameer

    Awesome, I already have canon 90D camera … but now planning to upgrade to Canon R7

  • Jonathan

    The old EF-M 18-150mm was a terrible lens optically, the worst of the set, this lens is presumably the same lens repackaged I’m not sure it should be recommended

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