According to the latest rumors surfaced over the web, Fujifilm is working on a 26.1MP APS-C X-Trans BSI CMOS 5 Sensor. Although they do have a 26-megapixel stacked X-Trans sensor in their flagship Fuji X-H2S model, the upcoming sensor is non-stacked with excellent video core specification of 5th-generation design, being developed to be used in upcoming entry-level and mid-tier cameras with outstanding video performance.
take a look what source shared here –
Fujifilm may announce the X-Trans CMOS 5 image sensor for the next generation of mid-range video cameras (such as XS), which is basically an evolution of the speed and focus of the X-Trans CMOS 4.
The PDAF density reaches the X-Trans CMOS 5th generation standard, and the video reading speed reaches 12bit full pixel 60fps and 4K point-to-point 120fps. It can be considered as a non-stacked version of the 26M BSI stacked X-Trans 5 CMOS HS. It is more suitable for video shooting and continuous shooting than the X-Trans CMOS 5 HR.source E8M_8888
also, see Fuji X-Pro 6 in 2026? No Fuji X-Pro 4 Coming
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